The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 1: Part 1.2
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3.1: Cut to a shot of Robin Cartwright moments later standing a few feet away, waving over her AI compatriot to join in. She’s wearing a silver leather-ish jacket and jorts, with what looks like an armored plate over her chest; her hair a curly purple afro. There’s a sense of confidence and bravado on her face- both connected to the couple of inches she’s grown as well as emotional development over the years- as she speaks that we never saw the last time we saw the human woman.
Staehlia’s found out which prison satellite Mani’s on.
3.2: Action shot of the par a few beats later, walking and talking on their way to the bridge.
(curious, to Robin)
On a separate note, I was downloading a Security update during your last injection. How goes it- feeling better?
(nods her head, to Capaldi)
I think so, yeah. My body’s finally getting used to this vita-genetic glop Staehlia’s made for me. The back ache and the leg aches I had when I started are seemingly gone. Didn’t end up puking as much as I did with last week–weatt. Ha ha…still getting used to the terminology there.
(Bubble 2) What about other deeper changes, like with your musculature or those humahn senses I’ve heard about? I remember there was some trouble early on when it came to your energy levels.
ROBIN (Bubble 2) Nothing really weird so far, though…
3.3: Right in the middle of Ms. Cartwright’s sentence, she suddenly passes out on the hard metal floor; the AI glancing down with some concern and not a lot of surprise.
3.4: She slowly comes back to her feet a minute later, woozy and barely glancing at her computerized compatriot who is holding back a chuckle.
A minuyat and twenty segundos this time. That’s encouraging compared to the last…!
Shut it!
3.5: The pair appear a short time later in the Bridge, looking on toward their captain amidst the growing hustle and bustle going on within.
They call it the Ashmaker…
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4.1: Cut to a shot of the Madam addressing her crew, describing the aforementioned satellite- a gigantic block-like installation with a protective shelled force field and the TA logo- which is partially visible on the view screen in the background.
It got that charming moniker, according to Stahl’s intel, long before I was born as a result of the after effects of an inmate rebellion; how they’d char the bones of the dead that would end up fueling their regenerative force field. There’s also the matter of the interior temperature, which is kept at 42 Kielo- hot enough to turn anyone into ash.
4.2: Nessa chimes in a few steps away with a witty comment, chipping in as the screen flashes an interior image of the prison.
Leave it to the Alliance to make their prisons feel as damp as Yglanian droppings!
4.3: The Madam smirks, turning her attention over to their brainy compatriot Staehlia typing away at her station and glancing at their version of the complex’s inner schematics.
Too true…any ideas how to navigate the toasty, Stahl, since I’m the only one of us who’s comfy cozy with toasty weather?
A few ideas. I’ve got the frequency set as best I can to the force field. And there are those WEB Rings we had last time we saw S’amahnta that should be sufficient here. I am going to need a few minuyats though to hammer out something ironclad once we get inside…
4.4: As Capaldi ‘ports over to Staehlia’s direction for assistance, we see Robin taking a step forward; part of an idea forming over her head as she speaks.
What if things end up like Luke on Jabba the Hutt’s ship in Return of the Jedi once we’re inside?
4.5: The rest of the ship looks back at their human friend, cycling through what she’s talking about with a degree of intrigue in regards to the present.
(scoffs) That silly ass little Ey-arth romp with the really stupid looking space suits you showed us last Yabba?
Pretty sure that route would get us arrested or killed. But bett’n if it’s not a pretty good backup plan- Cap?
A few steps ahead of ya, Cap’n.
4.6: As the AI ‘ports out of the room, the good captain turns her attention back to Staehlia; the others break over to their respective stations.
Stahl, how long do you need to input that shield blocking frequency so we don’t–
(interjecting) Did it while you were thinking, Boss.
(Bubble 2)
One of the reasons why I love ya, kid. Now…allons-y!