The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 1: Part 3.2
Page 15
15.1: Back to Theodonna in the apartment, finishing up the rest of her explanation. You can see one of the other officers hauling away chunks of broken furniture out of view.
THEODONNA (Cont.) They downloaded a copy of the data via an encrypted message app, and sent it off in three separate parts to their personal tablet in their apartment. Afterwards, they left for the nearest Indie planet they could spot, which- once they remembered their familial line- led to O’Julana. And…that brings us to the present.
15.2: Nessa leans over to the Madam’s ear to whisper an interesting point that has come to her mind throughout this.
I’m not the only one who noticed the lack of this Sayenne dude’s body anywhere in this place, am I?
(whispers back)
Already made a note of it. Could be a disintegrator type deal.
NESSA (Bubble 2) For a governmental merc? Possible. But we would’ve spotted more of a blast radius underneath our feet.
MADAM (Bubble 2)
Fair. The bigger priority would be spotting…
15.3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The two of them look on a beat later, noticing another developing conversation going on in front of them.
How sure are you this is the person who did it?
15.4: Back to Theodonna a few moments after getting the rest of the information from the subordinate, flashing a look that mixes elements of worry and belief in the seriousness of it.
15.5: As her agents head quickly to the door, she addresses the crew with a friendly offer to them.
THEODONNA If y’all aren’t too busy heading for the exit, we just found a location for the soul involved.
15.6: Madam smirks playfully at the request- a playful spirit shared by most of the rest of the crew visible in the background.
Happy to help! Though we should have someone stay by here, see if the info’s still where this Sayenne left it.
I will happily volunteer for that, captain. It has been many a minuyat since I have tried my hand safecracking, and would not mind the additional practice.
MADAM (Bubble 2)
No worries, bud…
Page 16
16.1: A pair of action shots taking place minutes later, showing the group taking the first few steps out of the building and turning to the right in the direction of the mystery signal.
(Caption) We’ll get you some nibs after the arsekicking, if we’re near a cafe or something.
16.2: The second one leads to the front of a cafe a short time later; the group seems a bit surprised to see a chill and relatively non-threatening scene before them.
16.3: Close-up on Theodonna a few beats later, chatting with a waitress who is standing in her general area.
(calming them down)
Apologies for the intrusion, mi’m. We thought there was an imminent danger to me and mine nearby.
WAITRESS No worries, miss. Nothing horrible’s happened here, outside of the occasional dine and dasher.
16.4: The Madam, meanwhile, gets a growing swirl of darkness in the pit of her stomach. One that is spotted by Ms. Cartwright standing to her left.
What is it?
MADAM Bad vibage. I think Stahl might be in what you’d call “a metric ton of shite” back at the apartment.
(Bubble 2)
‘Kay. Personally, I think they’ll be fine. But it’d make sense if you wanted to loop Theo into the vibage–
16.5: Cut to a shot of Theodonna and Nessa and the other agents a few steps away, chiming in with the answer before the question can come out.
(interjecting, to Robin and Madam) You two go. Help your friend.
We’ll be more than enough for this soulless grunt. Now, go!
16.6: Meanwhile, we see Staehlia in the middle of quickly trying to unlock the keypad combination; the sense of danger is completely unnoticed to them at this point.