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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 2: Part 1.1

Page 1

1.1: Carrying on a handful of hours after the end of Issue 1, we see Nessa and the Madam in the conference room looking at the photos of the data Sayenne was able to smuggle away prior to her death. In the background, you can see Robin looking up at the vent, waiting for something to come back.

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption) Hiya, welcome back! Don’t worry about the change in scenery. Nothing really urgent’s been going down. The Boo-Ya! is still stranded at the present ‘mo after their wee rumble with the mystery merc ship (shortly before said merc bid adieu to this plane of reality). There’s still the data Sayenne left them before they got offed, and then there’s the whole thing with the–


(puzzled look, to Nessa)

“Big Enchilada?”

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption 2)

Well, I wouldn’t called the Vice Chancellor the “Big Enchilada.” Now medium-sized…I can see. Anyway, while the captain starts figuring out our next overall move, Staehlia’s in the bowels of the ship trying to get me in fighting shape instead of the current blathering-like-a-ninny one I’m in now. And Robin is–Robin’s doing her level best to help out and not be a ninny. Which she’ll achieve soon, though not quite in the way she suspected.


(4Meta Caption 3) Now, let’s get back to the show…



‘Cause every time I look at a photo of it, it reminds me of those enchiladas we had that one time on Ey-arth jahrs ago.

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption 4)

Wait, almost forgot something. For those who may care, Mani took off in the ship’s secondary escape craft back to Titan after Madam gave her a chance to decide whether to stay on or head back home. Her and Staehlia will continue to call as much as possible, of course. Overall, it’s hard to blame her. Especially for what’s about to pop up soon…


(Bubble 2)

Oh. I can kinda see it. Anyway…

1.2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The Madam returns to the data at hand, laying out the first few pieces of the plan as they come to her mind. In the background, the sound of steady rumbling from inside the vent can be heard for the first time; Nessa in the same anticipatory position as in Panel 1.



Once Stahl’s got Capaldi back on his feet, we can get an idea where we crashed and send a message to Theodonna about the next steps.


I still say we should just go direct to O’Julana with the info, get ‘em to go on offense. Or at least to shore up whatever defenses they may got.

MADAM (Bubble 2) Ness, my noble dudo…you remember the last time we dealt with mega rich, regal types?

1.3: Same setting/layout as the other two panels. As the noise from the vent grows a little louder, we see Nessa firing back with a defensive retort connected to the story in question.


I argue knowing the background of the open hatch on the chica’s dress would’ve kept me from placing my drink on it.

MADAM (raised eyebrow)

Would it have explained away the Floofa you ripped in front of her?

NESSA (Bubble 2)

…Fair point. Still, I–

1.4: Close-up on Robin; the noise breaking through the page’s conversation as some type of screwdriver shoots out from the front of the vent.

1.5: The young human woman leaps into the air and stretches out to grab it. You can see, in this point, a contained level of shock in her eyes as she…

1.6: …lets the device slip off her fingertips to clunk on the floor behind her.

Page 2

2.1: A split second later, right alongside the clunk of the metal, we see Ms. Cartwright hitting the ground with a respectable sounding THUD.


(Off-Panel, from the vent)

That sounded particularly painful…are you okay?

2.2: Action shot of the human woman getting back to her feet, grabbing the tool as she’s moving; a pained look on her face as she speaks.



Just hot dogged the leap a little bit, lost my footing.



Is the tool in one piece?

ROBIN (Bubble 2) Yeah, it is.

STAEHLIA (Bubble 2, Off-Panel)

Good, good. Send up the lefty tuinun now, please and thank you.

2.3: Crouching in front of a tool kit placed in a corner of the room, we see Robin grabbing the tool (2nd to the right among a row of 7 remaining) as she places the other one back in the empty space.


(addressing Madam and Nessa) Tell me again why we’ve never gotten another space suit on the ship.

2.4: Cut to Nessa and the Madam responding in kind right in the middle of their strategizing at the board with a matter of fact tone they share. You can hear the buzz of the tool activating on its first step to its destination.


Too expensive–


–And too small!

2.5: We move to a shot of Staehlia sitting on a small hard cushion in the bowels of the ship’s mainframe, waiting for the tool’s arrival. You can see in the panel right area the vent where the tools are flying toward.


Not to mention the fact a shockingly small amount of species in the known universe actually utilize oxygen the way you humans do, which would result in completely overhauling the balance of the tanks in the–


(interjecting, Off-Panel)

Never mind!


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