The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 2: Part 1.2
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3.1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. The tuinnun pops up right in the middle of their thought, moving toward their left hand which is opened up in preparation for its arrival.
Ah, very good. Thank you…
3.2: Action shot of the young person a few moments later, resuming the repair work once more. As they do, they start to whistle the opening notes of a lullaby from Titan to help calm and center their mind; the notes drifting over from the edge of the panel…
CAPALDI (4Meta Caption) For those who are curious, Stahl’s whistling an old lullaby from their infancy called “zzulsniyahshlsluubbbi” (or “Zhulie’s Dance” in something closer to Ey-arth English). It’s about a young girl named Zhulie who changes places with a rich noble lord of a higher caste. There were a lot of other weird, complex things- and borderline sexist things, similar to most fairy tales on Ey-arth from what I’ve seen.
3.3: …over to the next one, representing the passage of time as we return to the conference room as before. Madam and Nessa have started to piece together what looks like a plan together, while Robin is in the background trying to catch some semblance of a nap.
CAPALDI (Cont., 4Meta Caption) But they find comfort in the melody of the song and the fact that the lullaby ends with the main character, after breaking the pact and defeating the wenech who taught her the dance, embracing the confidence and power she felt while in the other shoes and…
A Few Equivalent of Earth Hours Later
CAPALDI (4Meta Caption 2) Oh shite, I’m back on the regular flow of time…excuse me!
3.4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Capaldi suddenly appears to the left of Ms. Cartwright, catching the young human woman totally by surprise when the AI construct says…
(subtle grin)
Heya. What’d I miss?
3.5: We move to a short time later as the crew start to exit the ship to the planet they crashed on, which we partially see around the edges of the panel view in the form of a rose gold surface.
An Explanation, and Another Half Earth Hour Later
By the flarking Goddess…!
Truly a sight to behold…!
MADAM (Bubble 2)
You got a read on the planet’s name, Capaldi?
Page 4
4.1: Wide profile shot of part of a vast forest of trees with red and pink fauna on it, along with an interesting assortment of what passes for birds on this planet.
CAPALDI (Off-Panel) The locals call it Gefluunaxe. The Alliance doesn't actually have any data on this place.
NESSA (Off-Panel) A free planet? The lucky breaks keep coming!
(Off-Panel) Looks a bit like a Padarn Country Park back in Wales, if a load’a paint was dumped on it.
4.2: Madam tilts her head toward Capaldi as she reaches the end of the ship’s walkway with a single question in mind. You can see Robin poking her head in the background of the group for the first time, wearing what looks like a Mark I Iron Man helmet which helps filter in oxygen.
CAPALDI (from the speaker) The Regen should be complete in about 4 horuts.
Enough time for a little exploring, and a good supply run…nice! You find out how far we are from O’Julana?
(Bubble 2, from the speaker)
…Roughly 3,000 metros out from O’Julana.
(Bubble 2)
Hmm…coulda been worse.
ROBIN (chiming in) Speaking of worse…!
4.3: Close-up on Ms. Cartwright’s face chiming in with her own question as she walks.
What about oxygen? Please tell me I can at least take this freaking thing off for a bit while I’m here.
CAPALDI (from the speaker, Off-Panel)
No can do, sorry. At least not before Stahl can test your air capacity back on the ship. Till then, we should suspect it’s what you’d call normal. Which, given the heightened levels of nitrogen on Gefluunaxe, would fry your lungs as quick as those bacon cheeseburgers ya had me install on the replicator.
(Bubble 2) Ah. Thanks for the mental image, Cap…
4.4: We follow a crew a short time later, stepping inside the bulk of the massive trees figuring out what to do next.
Alright, let’s split up and find the nearest path to civilization. Barring that, we at least scrap anything we can see for supplies. That good for everyone?
Works for me.
NESSA Good with me, cap’n.
MADAM (Bubble 2)
4.5: The crew splits up in opposite directions to start their search for civilization on the planet’s surface.
MADAM (Cont., Caption) See ya in 4 horuts…!
4.6: A wide map of the scene taking place, showing each group’s respective journeys over a little section of the time in question; one to the dead left area, and the other toward the lower right corner.
(Caption, lower right area) Hey Stahl, remember after the first treatment you said I should tell you whenever I felt something off physically? Well…