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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 2: Part 4.2

Page 21

21.1: Close-up on the good cap’n looking over in Staehlia’s direction with a pertinent thought on her mind.

MADAM (Cont.)

How are things with Robin? Anything interesting pop up in your experiments?

MADAM (Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 1) Sounds good so far.

21.2: Cut to Staehlia at their station, chair turned in the Madam’s direction with the best summary of what happened they can surmise.


Some bits, yeah. Her muscles have grown denser than in her initial scan, and her lung capacity can handle planets with the same atmospheric properties found on one-third of the planets in the Tristellar Alliance, along with those planets in general that contain a high Oxygen intake.

STAEHLIA (Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 1, Bubble 2)

Save for one bit, Madam.

21.3: Robin chimes in for the reply; the metaphorical rock forming in her throat. You can see her left hand tightly clutching the side of her station, containing the bulk of her pain from the rest of the crew.


(interjecting) I need a considerable breathing apparatus in order to survive more than an hour back on Earth.

MADAM (Off-Panel) Shite! My sympathies…at least you got out before it boiled and tore itself to bits.

ROBIN (Bubble 2) I–I guess. Still, it’s…

MADAM (Bubble 2, Off-Panel)

I get it. You can take a bit of time in the holodeck if you want, clear your head a bit.

21.4: The young human woman tries to go back to whatever business takes place on the bridge a beat later, leaving a scrunched up dent where she had squeezed before.

ROBIN (shakes her head) Honestly? Sounds pretty good right now- thanks…



Yes, xe’am. The fleet is another datum out from properly entering O’J orbit.

21.5: Cut to a shot of the TA General in full military regalia in his office shortly after listening to the reply from Bandyra in between this panel and the previous one.


(shakes his head)

No, xe’am. Every grunt has been briefed and is fully onboard with the mission. They’re all revved up and ready to meet the Eye to right one of the greatest travesties against it.

Page 22

22.1: We move to another shot of another TA General at a separate time in another SkyCruiser, responding to a separate conversation from the Vice Chancellor. You can see the same level of dutiful devotion in his eyes as he speaks.


Mah pilots have been through the paces of the planet’s topography on the Sims. Not a chance in all the known hells those buffed-up bents they call a SkyForce can beat the full fury of…

22.2: In another cruiser, we see a third General talking to the same person with a sense of unease at the plan in play.


The fact the Prime Chancellor and the Military Chiefs have been looped in is a comfort, I’ll admit. But there’s still a worry, especially amongst my staff and my Number One, about the potential for a long, drawn out conflict. I…

22.3: The soldier lifts the comm from his ear a split second later at the fiery retort from the powerful politico, signified by a series of angry emojis that crop up in bubble form in the panel right area.

CAPALDI (iMeta Caption)


22.4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A few moments later, the General’s attitude shifts toward the same level of pure obedience we saw with the others.


Yes, xe’am. Sorry, xe’am. I’ll gather up a fleet. I…just nerves I think.

22.5: A short time later, we see the decorated General stepping out through a long hallway; a stoic demeanor on his face to mask the other swirl of emotions going through his head at the moment.

MADAM (Caption) How are you feeling? The Holodeck do much for the mood?

22.6: Cut to a shot of a massive assembly of soldiers that the General is walking toward, decked out in armor and standard armaments. In the background, you can see different SkyCruisers on display as well as a large B-52 sized ship called an iIlya.

ROBIN (Caption)

A little, but…[sigh]


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