The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 3: Part 1.3
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5.1: Slight close-up on Robin moments later, chiming in with a question regarding the whole ritual as described.
I’m gonna guess we all die if we don’t complete this Tay’R-th in time.
KARY’LX (Off-Panel)
(Bubble 2)
Groovy. Do we have to go through these challenges individually, or is there a way to combine them some as we go through…?
5.2: Back to the O’Julanian woman a beat later, speechless at the idea the human woman just gave that zhe had never really considered.
I get the idea, Ms. Cartwright. Most go through it individually, but there’s technically no restriction against doing so.
5.3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. After the period of thought, we see zer gesticulating zer arms in a way that incorporates each of our protagonists as zhe explains the answer.
It wouldn’t be a guarantee that you’d go through each challenge as a team. But it’d give you guys a fighting chance to complete each one . I–
5.4: In mid-sentence, Kary’lx’s comm rings over from another room off-panel right; zer eyes moving peripherally in the same direction.
One segundo…
5.5: The crew is left moments later to hash things out in the midst of the pause.
MADAM Nice catch, Robin! Now, how do we wanna divvy up these challenges? Stahl’s an obvi choice to handle the puzzle stuff. And I’m cool with taking on the joust-y part, since I’m the only one who carries around a long blade.
I thought you only use canes and spears in jousts.
MADAM (Bubble 2)
What’s the difference?
NESSA (Bubble 2) …Fair point. I’d be cool with taking on the “Spiritual Fortitude” one.
ROBIN (chiming in) Actually, I was thinking maybe I could do that section of the Tay-R’th.
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6.1: The eyes of the other crew members immediately turn toward Ms. Cartwright in a collective show of shock and apprehension at the proclamation.
MADAM Ummm…you sure that’s a good idea?
NESSA Especially given all the stuff Stahl and Capaldi told us about the flying and some of the other side effects you’ve dealt with. Not to mention some of the stuff about your fam you’ve been talking about.
(slight nod)
I have only begun to really examine the physiological changes your body is going through thanks to the genotherapy. There is still a great deal of unknowns in terms of the scope, or whether the fainting spells and flying are the only outward negatives your body is–
I’m sure, guys.
6.2: Close-up on Robin a beat later, catching the rest of her earnest commitment to the idea that comes through.
ROBIN (Cont.) I know there’s a lotta risk behind going into something I barely know anything about. But I’ve felt mostly helpless ever since I joined up with you guys. This is the first time I can hold myself up against a big threat, and I don’t wanna waste it. Besides, the only other one to pull it off would be Capaldi, and I’m not even sure he can move outside of the ship.
(4Meta Caption) Wow, I can’t…!
6.3: The scene freezes in place, and we see the sentient AI pop up in the panel left area, addressing the reader with slight defensiveness to the whole spiel from the previous panel.
Can’t actually complain, much as I want to. The tech necessary to sustain AI holograms from their respective ship (or “central hub”) is a good decade from mass production, and roughly halb that when it comes to stealing functional prototypes. Still’s a bit insulting to hear, especially since I’d be pretty brilliant in a match of fortitude. Eh, anyway…
6.4: As the scene unfreezes and picks up a few moments later, following conversation within the crewmates that lead to agreement over the breakdown of peeps, we see the young human woman turn her head panel right at the sound of footsteps coming toward them.
CAPALDI (Cont., 4Meta Caption) I should monitor the weirdness going down on the Capitol Politics stream. Something going on right now…not sure yet what to make of it.
(Off-Panel) My apologies for the wait, ladiesnby. Just connecting an intel source over to High Command for analysis.
6.5: Cut to the O’Julanian womxn standing a handful of feet away from the good crew a beat later, glancing around with a partial grin on zer face.
(Cont.) So, y’all made a decision?
MADAM (Off-Panel) We have…
6.6: We move to a shot of the crew, united in spirit and purpose over what the next step will be.
MADAM (Cont.)
We’re going for Tay-R’th.
(Off-Panel) Excellent! Let me get Quiyen Falls’ Uvneeich on while I get my formal wear on.
NESSA (raised eyebrow) Oh gods! Don’t tell me we’re gonna have to wear a friully dress to this votbett’n thing…!