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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 3: Part 2.3

Page 11

11.1: She tilts her head up from the action a few beats later to take in the good news the buzzer from the end of the previous page provides.


(Off-Panel) Mental Challenge portion- complete.


(pumping her fist) Flark yeah, Staehlia! Knew you could do it, you brilliant bi–

11.2: The good captain’s moment of joy is suddenly disrupted by a beam from the rallying Utdred…

11.3: …sending her crashing into the wall eight Earth feet from where she had stood. Off-panel, to the right, you can see a faint blue glow popping into the regular view.

11.4: As the fight continues onward in the main arena off-panel, Staehlia pops into view in an open seat; their face exhausted and bruised from the challenge, while their mind tries to take in what’s going on.


Fascinating. Would have thought I would be transported to some waiting room in the Palace. Maybe we are only allowed there until everyone has completed…

11.5: The layout of the scene widens slightly to take in the Madam getting body checked into the wall just in front of the young person.

MADAM (glancing over at Staehlia, pained)

…Heya! Any chance you could throw an assist against this dud-o?


I would love to, cap’n. But Kary’lx said interference was verboten in the Tay’R-th, resulting in immediate–

MADAM (Bubble 2) –barring at best, and expulsion at worst…Right!

11.6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The good captain is tossed over to the left of the panel by her equally powerful competitor.

Page 12

12.1: Utdred leaps high into the air, spear high into the air, in preparation to plunge it into xis opponent’s chest and win the duel once and for all.

12.2: Just before they could make the strike, Madam counters with whomping xim squarely in the crotch section. Which, to her pleasant surprise, causes xim a great deal of pain.

12.3: Close-up on the good captain slowly getting back to her feet a beat later, using the spear as a crutch.

MADAM (chuckles)

I see why Robin was so gaga over that move. Speaking of which…

12.4: Back to a shot of Staehlia, watching the fight going on in front of them; their periphery looking at the clock at another part of the arena, which shows up in a separate smaller bubble (1:49). As this goes on, there’s one big thought flowing through her mind.


(thought bubble)

I wonder how she’s handling her respective challenge right now. That she has not gone off in some horrible emotional explosion yet is…somewhat encouraging.

12.5: Cut to a shot of Ms. Cartwright throughout all of this, sweating profusely in a meditative pose in a humid and toasty looking mountainous area (at least from what we saw in the background of the shot). You can see a picture of the clock in the back left corner of the panel view, flashing the same time as the previous panel.


(thought bubble)

Ho…lllyyyy…MikefuckingHarris, it burns!!


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