The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 3: Part 3.3
Page 17
17.1: A sped-up montage of the respective presentation that our protagonists, led by Staehlia and Kary’lx, lays their case out as fully as humanly possible. It starts with an image of Sayenne and her place within the Prime Chancellor’s office.
17.2: In the next one, there’s a snapshot of the different top secret military documents that Sayenne was able to smuggle out of there, including one that goes on about the level of diplomatic theatre with the O’Julanian people to engage in at the beginning of the plan.
17.3: In the last one, just as they’re about to reach the vital close of the presentation, it’s halted by a roaring command from one of the Crowns.
QUIYEN LIANA (Off-Panel) Pause for one second, if you please.
17.4: Close-up of Quiyen Liana, who is seated in the far left of the three thrones, leaning toward the group with a line of query that pops into xer head at the moment.
That point of the diplomatic scripture next to the one called Madam…it looks quite similar to one from a briefing monats back.
17.5: Xhe turns xer focus to a lowly aide standing a few feet from where xhe was sitting, barking out an order connected to that thought.
Summon a Regent from the Diplomatic contingents on the HoloComm.
Yes, Your Excellence…!
17.6: Madam and Kary’lx lean over in the moments of pause in between, whispering (from the former to the latter) a level of confusion over what’s happening.
MADAM This is a good sign, right? Not sure what the hells a Regent is, but…they wouldn’t be calling in another set of ears unless they were taking it seriously. Then again, why are we still here…
It’s far better to not overthink the situation, Madam. The Triad have a penchant in situations like this of riding their own trains of thought. There isn’t a specific good or bad weight behind them.
Page 18
18.1: The two of them chat indiscriminately with one another via the HC that the Aide brought moments later, primarily about the things Quiyen Liana had just learned. It’s the only noise in the large room, which has come to variable silence waiting for the response before…
(surprised) You gotta be chucking me…!
18.2: Close-up on the Diplomat who incredulously turns toward the group a beat later, seeking answers.
DIPLOMAT (Cont.) Is that Mx. Krykyn I see out there?
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubble 1)
Splendid to see you, as always. I have a quick question: do you trust the source who provided this plan to you and your compatriots?
18.3: Kary’lx walks toward the front of the group, nodding respectfully toward the Diplomat to better answer them.
Yes, Regent.
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 2)
Actually, I never met the source, Regent. But I’ve known Theodonnia for just over a decarohtla, and there are few souls in the known ‘Verse that I trust as deeply as…
18.4: The signal cuts out right in the middle of her explanation, followed by a series of indiscriminate sounds that catches the attention and worried shock of the onlookers in the background.
18.5: Robin slowly pops back up at this same time, looking at the whole situation with woozy and confused eyes toward Stahelia.
Heya…I miss anything, Stahl?
Actually, to use a phrase you are a fan of–
18.6: We move to a shot of the Vice Chancellor riding along in a secured cruiser on Capitol, dressed to the nines in the type of formal wear a politician dons for a schmoozy fundraiser somewhere.
(Cont., Caption) You came back just in time.