The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 4: Part 2.1
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7.1: Close-up on the officer’s face shortly after clicking on the story, reading over the details that the officer had sent out in the report. In the background, you can see the torso of a more senior officer start to walk into the scene.
7.2: Cut to a shot of the aforementioned senior officer a few beats later, noticing the quick scans from the junior analyst. You can see an immediate sense of curiosity over what brought about the attitude.
There a reason you’re spending a considerable amount on the Pre-Emptive Tactical Feed, Private J-Enn?
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubble 1) Under what rationale?
7.3: J-Enn looks at the senior officer a beat later to answer; the chair they were sitting on turned 180 degrees to face them.
Yes, sxr. A missive from the base in Tienckjen- the captain there is requesting permission for a separate attack on the planet’s floating Intelligence Center.
PRIVATE J-ENN (Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 2) It has to do with a separate incident that took place around the V4X Project in the Simones.
7.4: The senior Officer raised a worried eyebrow at the end of the Private’s statement a beat later.
SENIOR OFFICER What kind of incident?
PRIVATE J-ENN (Off-Panel) A foot Grunt working on the maintenance side believes someone from O’J intelligence discovered its existence. There’s a brief rundown of what happened in the missive itself–
(interjecting, Bubble 2)
Then why in the seven hells am I listening to you? Give it to me, now!
7.5: A short time later, after he goes about reading the missive in full, the military man is fully onboard with the request in play.
Give the captain approval for their request. I’ll make sure the VC’s office knows about the connected incident immediately.
(correcting) Wait, isn’t it standard protocol that the incident should go into the Prime Chancellor’s Daily Briefing?
(Bubble 2)
The VC gave it the okay under CO 814, giving her full administrative powers in the operation of the special military operation till its completion.
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8.1: In Vice Chancellor Brunnya’s Capitol office hours later, she looks through a set of talking points regarding a separate policy. You can see, however, a tablet containing different battlefield reports from O’Julana on the desk to the left.
SENIOR OFFICER (Cont., Caption)
Now, back to your station.
PRIVATE J-ENN (Caption) Yes, sxr…
8.2: T’H-Ina pops in in the politico’s doorway a few moments later, timidly popping in with tablet in hand and news at the tip of their tongue.
Umm, misdam Vice Chancellor? Word from military intelligence of a missive from Tienckjen they wanted to bring to your attention.
8.3: She looks up from her work and receives the tablet from T a few moments later, who stands at attention toward any other comment thrown their way.
T’H-INA (quickly explanatory)
The private didn’t have the greatest view of the possible spy. There was supposed corroboration, however, by a frindo of the private who claimed to have heard the spy yell something out before disappearing.
T’H-INA (Bubble 2)
Umm…it was some type of garbled-y tongue. You should be able to find it near the middle to bottom part of the–
(Bubble 2)
I see it, T.
8.4: Slight close-up on the Vice Chancellor a beat later, spying the section in question through her speech.
“Mab i ast ffycin…”
8.5: T’H-Ina takes a glance after a brief pause, trying to surmise the meaning behind the furrowed brow from their boss.
T’H-INA You know what that phrase means, Misdam?
T’H-INA (Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 6, Bubble 1)
Yes, m’am. Construction was completed a weatt before. The power source should be arriving at the Simones from a TASF BuildYard in a few datums.
8.6: Back to the politico in the same setting and layout as Panel 4, looking over to the left of the panel view; the inner thought pausing and shifting toward business again.
VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA A few ideas…I assume there isn’t any imminent danger to the completion of its construction, right?
(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 2) Good, good…! I want a report from our Battlefield Liaison on this “covert attack” when it happens.