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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 4: Part 2.3

Page 11

11.1: We move to a shot of a separate window that pops up in the lower left corner of the screen, showing an audio screen; a string of code in the top left belonging to a Military grunt.


(Off-Panel) That appears to be an ASID code. Have you cross-referenced who it belongs to?

CAPALDI (Off-Panel)

Nah not yet, Stahl. I stumbled across the bett’n thing outta pure luck via a standard scan. I snapped the code over to the Generals for an extra set of eyes, in case they might do better.

STAEHLIA (Bubble 2, Off-Panel) Huh…mind if I replay the message?

CAPALDI (Bubble 2, Off-Panel)

Sure. Knock yourself out, mate…

11.2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The window goes lively a few moments after Staehlia replays the audio file, flashing a pair of audio bubbles from it.


Mans, I can’t believe this Mangnin planet has its own satellite. What the hells keeps that flarking ting from going up in flames in the atmosphere?

SOLDIER #2 (laughing)

Maybe it’s their “goddess” nagging it from the “Divine Middle.”


11.3: Back to a shot of Staehlia listening to the rest of the message with anxiety and worry over the presence of Robin inside.



Won’t make a flarking difference an horut from now once we raze it to the ground and turn every last one of those snooty intellectual betches to dust–



11.4: Action shot of the good cap’n a few moments later, approaching Nessa- who is partially visible in the panel left area- at the pilot’s chair. She is partly ahead of the worries Staehlia is nonverbally displaying at the same time (mainly because she’s felt the same ones herself).


Last we heard, Robin was with Lady J and those “New Intel” nerds. So, no need to talk about whether to help her or not.

NESSA (Offf-Panel) None in the slightest!

11.5: We move back to Staehlia a beat after the statement, chiming in briefly as they move toward their respective bridge station.


I can also assume we have a plan to save her, cap’n, given the element of surprise currently in our corner.

MADAM (Off-Panel) Votbett’n right we do, Stahl…!

11.6: Nessa glances back toward her compatriot with a playful glint connected with the respective answer to Staehlia’s query.


A little throwback- the “Slip Smack.”

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption) A wee context for the many of you wondering what “Slip Smack” means. For starters, it’s not some type of candy or ice-based finishing move in one of your guys’ many fighter games.

Page 12

12.1: Cut to a how-to styled panel that details to the reader what precisely the “Slip Smack” is; the captions placed strategically underneath each descriptive graphic.

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption) It starts out with sliding the ship in right behind the other ship you wanna board at a long enough distance where their sensors won’t spot you. You’d think this would be an easy bit, but something about the exhaust and the forward motion of the ship futzes with rear sensors in a 2 Ey-arth mile radius. There’s a lot of technical jargon behind why that is, which (mercifully) I’ll spare you all from…anyway!

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption 2) Once that’s donezo, you ‘port into the other ship’s engine room and knock it out.


(4Meta Caption 3) While they’re floating around, you charge in to do whatever biz you were itching to do in the first place. Once you’re done, you ‘port out in celebration with your gotten gains and–

12.2: We move back to Staehlia in the normal flow of time, a beat after we last left them in the previous page, chiming in with a question that pops into the young person’s head after the whole thing.

STAEHLIA What if they have more than one ship blocked out for this operation?

12.3: The Madam mimes as if she’s thinking the theory over a few moments later, though in reality the answer is already in full view.


Then we’ll have a hells of a lot more troubles right alongside losing a dear friend. Now, Cap, let’s get a bead on the attacker ship.

12.4: Cut to Robin scrubbing up in a sonic shower back on the satellite, trying to calm herself back down from the scan. You can see a section of the young human woman’s body right down to the top of the breasts area.

MADAM (Cont., Caption) And hope Robin’s experience with us and her newly hopped up bod are enough to keep her upright.


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