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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 4: Part 3.3

Page 17

17.1: Close-up on the thing Nessa spotted at the end of the previous page- a display of the general skeleton of the ship, and the overall function of the ship. One of the sections mentions the craft’s weapons of which there has been a recent firing. The part of the screen, however, that generates her immediate focus…

17.2: …The autopilot which is firmly in the “ON” position.

NESSA (Off-Panel)

Cap’n, there’s a big stanking Errol in the plan!

17.3: Cut to a shot of Staehlia and Madam joining Nessa in seeing the same image from the previous panel a short time later, thinking up what to do with the news.


Flark me…the plan’s still doable, right?


Absolutely, we can still make something outta this. Stahl, how long can you disable that autopilot and catch up to the satellite?


Six minuyats, at my best tweaking–


(Bubble 2) –Which would give the bett’n bastards a decent headstart to do damage…

17.4: Slight close-up on the good cap’n a few moments later with an interesting idea coming into play.

MADAM (Cont.)

Stahl, go back to KO’ing the autopilot. Ness and I will head back to the big ship, and charge the satellite alongside.

STAEHLIA (Off-Panel) That sort of defeats the purpose of the “element of surprise,” captain.

MADAM (Bubble 2) I know, I know. It’s the best call I can think of.

17.5: Back to the auxiliary cargo bay of the satellite earlier than the arrival of our protagonists, filled with a contingent of called-up Sentry forces awaiting the potential threat. Instead, there’s the violent shaking coming from an explosion outside which coincides with the transporter glow of the mercs charging in.

MADAM (Cont., Caption) The Julies are pretty strong anyhow. I trust they can hold their own till we get our shite straight and join ‘em.

17.6: Action shot of the mercs and the Sentries engaging in a firefight, beginning the battle properly.


(Caption) I just got the report from the incursion onto OIS station 59-Kelvin.

VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA (Caption) Good, good. Give me the B2B…

Page 18

18.1: Cut to another action shot of further fighting inside the satellite a short time after the incursion, showing officers and the TA mercs continuing their fighting to a similarly advantageous degree to the latter we saw at the end of the previous page.

T’H-INA (Cont., Caption) They charged up three floors, coming within halb an horut of reaching the Tech sector to permanently disable the station and send it adrift when…

18.2: A two-part set of panels that focuses on a pair of the soldiers in the middle of the fight moving through a hallway on the station, focused on the action in front of them and not the partially opened doorway visible in the panel right area.

18.3: In the second one, moments later, a pair of what looks like smoke bombs come shooting in from the off-panel right area, blocking their view entirely.

18.4: Action shot of Robin and Lady Jerniev charging in from within the smoke; the former with a running spear, and the latter with a painful right cross.

VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA (Caption) A well-trained garrison of the Tristellar Alliance’s finest was taken down by…smoke bombs?


(Caption) Partially true, mxdam Vice Chancellor…

18.5: A little later after that moment, just as the soldiers mount a counter, the whole scene freezes (save for the Lady and Robin) courtesy of the time bubble. Which all but hints to the reader the appearance of our protagonists.

18.6: Cut to a shot of VC Brunnya and T’H-ina walking down the hallway of the Parliament building in the Capitol as this whole thing’s been going on.



They also had assistance from a pair of ships that arrived in secret in the middle of the fighting.


…I don’t need to ask who precisely were at the helm of these ships, or the mercenaries’ slow and unceasing deaths for such a failure.


(Bubble 2) No, m’am. On the plus side, it appears the ship was destroyed in a fluke explosion, making it difficult for anyone to backtrack it to us.


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