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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 5: Part 1.1

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1.1: PLANNING MONTAGE- A series of shots consisting of the rest of the group and Airperson Petra putting together the pieces of the greater plan on W4X. It starts with them in the conference room, going over an image Robin took of the big device that she saved from the scan.

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption)

A montage to open an issue…not exactly the opening of Laz K-R’IElss’ Mikjak 5. But it serves a good purpose for the good issue, and gives me the chance to fill y’all in on what happened these past few datums after the end of Issue 4. For starters, Petra filled the gang in on just what the hells that mystery device Robin found a little while back is: a massive drill that sucks the natural minerals and resources from the very core of a planet/planetoid…

1.2: A little later on in the same scene, we see an image from Intel highlighting the patch of black in the Simones that was the end result of that W4X.


(Cont., 4Meta Caption) Leaving a vast chunk of it utterly barren and devoid of life, possibly the whole planet. Ominous, huh? As they were just starting to get all the bits and pieces of the plan together, Robin popped in with the big question here.

1.3: We move to a shot of Ms. Cartwright at the far end of the table with a curious and slightly worried look on her chiseled, oval-shaped face.

ROBIN How the **** are we gonna get in undetected? Yeah, I was able to smuggle an image of it out of Kelvin before it went up in flames. But I didn’t get bloody shite when it came to the support building next to it. Who knows the kinda security stuff the Alliance has there.

1.4: Cut to a shot of Daiyo after said meeting, seated at a bar next to a fellow O’J pilot and chatting over tall purple-green drinks in front of them.

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption) All fair points. “I’ve got that part well taken care of,” Dyio fired back. They proceeded to tell us about an Intel grunt stationed on a different installation near Giaaem called Tieri who also happens to be their current Pleasiend (what you Ey-arthers would probably call “F*** Buddy”). Apparently, she signed up for a new outfit in the wake of the attack whose primary mission is to infiltrate and potentially destabilize different TA regiments on O’Julana. Basically, rot the bett’n thing from the inside out.

1.5: The two of them clink glasses in agreement a short time later at the end of the discussion, sparking the first domino in their respective plan (and the big plan as a whole).

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption) Tieri agreed to snag the blueprints off of some big TA hullabaloo who’s landing over in Diascrya in a few nachts for a fancy dress part/strategy session (not sure how you can combine the two, but I’m just an AI…what do I know). Anyway, in exchange, we’d have to do a run helping out some villagers in the west of the country who’ve been besieged by TA Army goons since bett’n near the beginning of the war.

1.6: Going back to the present, we see the Boo-Ya! passing through the last chunk of bombed out forest in the direction of the aforementioned village.

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption) Tieri called the mission “a simple, easy endeavour,” which the Airperson seemed to agree on–for the most part. Personally, knowing my crew as I do…that felt like a hells of a massive jinx.

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2.1: The ship touches down a short time later in the direction of a bombed-out wreckage of what was formerly a building. In the left corner of the panel, we see part of the remains of the village and the spotty levels of damage that were inflicted on it by the TA.

ROBIN (Caption) Yeah, this feels like a massive bloody jinx!

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption)

Told ya! Yeah, this is a good time to shut up now and get on with the story…

2.2: Action shot of Madam, Nessa and Robin stepping out of the rear entrance hatch of the ship, armored and armed up for whatever might come their way.


No argument on my end, dudo. But Cap gave a quick glance of the area when we reached orbit, and everything looks clear.

MADAM And according to Dyio, they usually don’t loop back down toward the village for another twenty horuts. What do you hu-mahns say– “So far, so good?”


(quick nod) Yeah…My point still stands though.

2.3: Slight close-up on Ms. Cartwright showing off a little pen-shaped device that she had strapped to the left side of her waist to hammer the rest of her point.

ROBIN (Cont.)

Lucky I’ve still got that Pensor thing Staehlia made during the whole Baarlax thing on Titan. If anything horrible does pops up, we should be able to…

2.4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The device sparks and crackles due to an inadvertent technical issue that pops up suddenly a beat later, stinging the hand of the young human woman’s hand slightly.

2.5: Nessa laughs heartily at the moment, grinning ear-to-ear as Robin places the device back on her waist. You can see, in the bottom of the panel, that our protagonists have reached the edge of the walkway.


So–Sorry, buddo. Just had a nice comical tinge to it.

ROBIN (grumbling) Funny! Son of a…

MADAM (Off-Panel) Clam up, guys…

2.6: Same scene, but right at the edge of the line, which shows the Madam whose face and overall demeanor has shifted toward business demeanor.

MADAM (Cont.) We’re here! At least I think we are…


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