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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 5: Part 2.1

Page 7

7.1: The first half, from Madam’s POV, of the area she’s seeing a beat after the end of the previous page. Here, we see a series of what look like townhouses and an office building as well as part of a fruit and medicinal farm in the far right of the panel view.

MADAM (Cont., Off-Panel)

There’s a couple of those Wilwade trees we passed on the way here. There’s a few houses, an office space, not to mention a farm with some cool looking art that does fruit and- from the smell- part of a really fun weekend…

7.2: In the second half of the same scene, we see a medium-sized auditorium that has kept upright with a tiny bit of aesthetic damage on it. There’s also shops and tailors along with part of a secondary school on the far right edge of it.

MADAM (Cont., Off-Panel) Oh, also, there was a little bitty school of some kind–at least what looked like– about a metro and a halb from us. It could be a town hall or an outdoor theatre that just got whomped by–

7.3: Staehlia chimes in back on the Boo-Ya!, sparked by a note of inspiration from the captain’s explanation.


What was that you mentioned, before the school?

MADAM (from the comm) The farm thing?

7.4: A two-part set of panels that starts out with the young person quickly typing something into the portable device from before. You can see the wheels of thought moving at their usual speed at the same time.

7.5: In the second part, after the action moments later, Staehlia glances up and flashes their version of a grin at the spark of good fortune.

MADAM (Cont., from the comm) Oh, don’t bloody tell me we just passed the actual bett’n location.

STAEHLIA Not quite, captain…

7.6: Cut to the screen a beat later, showing a layout of the map of the village. You can see a pair of big red dots on the map- one in the left center area of the map representing our protagonists, and another closer to the top right area where the shelter is calculated to be.

STAEHLIA (Cont., Off-Panel) But the farm is close to the location proper. All you need to do is–

SOUND EFFECT (from the comm) GRAWWWK!

Page 8

8.1: Action shot of the group running as fast as they can away from a series of laser blasts descending from the top left to top center areas of the panel.


(from Madam’s comm)

I heard something weird on your end. What is it…?

(Bubble 2) Captain…Captain!

8.2: Cut to the group hiding behind a wall on the side of the street they were seated in, looking up at the surprise attacker. You can see Nessa with her weapon, prepping the best opportunity before her to hit back.


We heard some screaming nearby. Robin caught glimpse of some weird metal bird off in the distance with her supersight–


(from the comm) Is that so? How far off did she spot this bird, in your best estimate?

MADAM (Bubble 2)

Priorities, bud! Right now, we’re currently getting our flarking arses handed to us.

8.3: Slight close-up on Nessa chiming into the conversation, firing off a pair of blasts a beat later and displaying more of a sense of urgency than the captain.

NESSA Any time you can swoop in and disable this votbett’n thing before we’re creamed, that’d be flarking great–!

8.4: Before she finishes the rest of the sentence, a rush of air swoops up in the background toward the left side of the panel view.

NESSA (pleasantly surprised) Actually, scratch that Stahl…

8.5: Cut to a shot of Ms. Cartwright a split second later, hundreds of feet in the air and punching the machine that is part pterodactyl and part drone in its design square in its face.

NESSA (Cont., Caption)

Just got a nice jolt of luck, thanks to another little “surprise” from the hu-mahnn the two of you should talk about later. In private..


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