The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 5: Part 2.2
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9.1: Wide shot of the machine seemingly unconscious a short time later; the crew members standing just near the end in the panel right area, getting their first good look at what makes it tick. Unbeknownst to any of them, however…
NESSA Anyone see who’s flying that bett’n thing? I don’t see anything, unless it’s hidden off somewhere–
9.2: Suddenly, a bolt of energy shoots out from one of the wings, incapacitating the three of them right in the middle of Nessa’s statement.
9.3: As they lay unconscious, you can see a shadow forming around them courtesy of the reactivated Pterodrone device.
JES (Caption)
Those are the ones from the T’Y-arth…! Why the hells are we interring them like this? There’s…
(Caption) …No way they’d be involved in anything malicious to the Tricrowns.
9.4: We see them a short time after that in a cell within the stomach of the machine as it flies back to its base. Madam is the first one to begin to show the first signs of waking up due to the conversation.
(Off-Panel) How do we know, J’Sel? All we know is what the Royal Voce told us after the ceremony, about the–
JES (Off-Panel) All their work with the resistance, maintaining the different supply lines. Not to mention Dyio’s word here. To me, syr, that is more than enough proof of that.
(Off-Panel) If that’s true, answer this Jes…
9.5: The good cap’n wakes up a beat later, dropping into the middle of the conversation with part of an answer to the question.
W-R’REN (Off-Panel) …Why didn’t they just use the cargo entrance on the other side of the village? Why spent two and a halb horuts looping around like a flarking…?
(interjecting, sore)
Because–AGH…They didn’t tell me about that particular point!
9.6: Cut to a shot of the three of them on the opposite end of the cage- W-R’REN on the panel left screen, and JES/SELLECK (a pair of twin genderfluid beings who share a telepathic link) on the panel right listening to the rest of the Madam’s explanation.
MADAM (Cont., in back profile)
Hiya, you know me and my crew by now. A friend of ours, Daiyo Petro, sent me and my comrades here to help save you guys and sweep up some new bomba bombardment the Tassers have been raining down on you guys–
SELLECK (interjecting, knowing)
You see? I told you they weren’t spies, syr!
W-R’REN (sighs) …Still don’t trust how useful they’ll be.
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10.1: Cut to the good captain a beat later, countering with some forceful defensiveness as she speaks.
MADAM If you wanna talk about useful, duddo, then give me my comms back so I can talk to my chief brain Staehlia Ev. They’re back on my ship, and–
10.2: Back to W-r’Ren forcefully shaking hxs head, and shooting the idea down before it’s fully formed.
W-R’REN (interjecting)
That’s not gonna happen, Madam. We have a strict technological dead zone here, which has helped save lives and kept us from an Alliance prison satellite. We’re taking a great deal of risk not hucking you back outside village borders. If you and your associates, not to mention the…
10.3: Slight close-up on Ms. Cartwright joining in the conversation just as the question is fired her way.
W-R’REN (Cont., Off-Panel) I wanna say tanned Brulunhund you call a companion, wanna be helpful to us–it’ll be by your wits alone.
10.4: Robin shoots a confused glance toward Nessa a beat later in regards to W-R’Ren’s comment as xe and the Madam continue speaking off-panel.
ROBIN (mumbling) Brulunhund?
NESSA (shrugs) Hells if I…
10.5: Cut to Jes and Selleck on-screen, chiming in with the correct answer with an eager and matter-of-fact.
JES They’re a popular kind of pet on O’Julana…
SELLECK …not that dissimilar to the bulldog of your native Uhr-Aath.
10.6: The young human woman takes the explanation on in overall stride, though with still the same level of puzzlement we saw in Panel 4.
I’ve been called way worse…