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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 5: Part 2.3

Page 11

11.1: We move to a shot of the massive machine/aircraft making its descent toward a chunk of open grassland next to the same building from the previous page that was at the center of the energy source.

ROBIN (Cont., Caption) Huh…! So, you guys are–

JES (Caption) J’Sel. Or Jes…

SELLECK (Caption) …Selleck, in the more “common” version of individual binaries.

ROBIN (Caption 2)

Nice! And you’re telekinetic twins?

11.2: In a conference room somewhere inside the shelter, we see Ms. Cartwright and Jes and Selleck in a conversation as this goes on.

ROBIN (Cont.)

How does it work, from a physiological perspective? Is it like an energy chain that connects the two of you wherever you might go, or is it something where you guys can’t be separated from one another after X amount of time?

JES (scoffs) Of course we can be in separate rooms. You are right, correct, that we have an “energy chain” that connects us as a singular entity…

SELLECK …But ultimately, we are two unique individuals with unique personalities that can sometimes–create issues. On the plus side, we also…


(Bubble 2)

…share a connective “thinking space,” which comes in handy when it comes to experiments or really…

SELLECK (Bubble 2)

…complicated situations.

11.3: Close-up on Ms. Cartwright who takes in the information a beat later while also formulating precisely what to do next.

ROBIN (thought bubble)

Awesome. Sort of reminds me of the Cuckoos from the X-Men books.

11.4: We move to a similar close-up of Jes’ face a split second later, reacting with confusion and some agreement to the question.

JES I have no idea who they are. But given the images that are buried deep in your subconscious mind, I’m going to say…

SELLECK (Off-Panel) ..Yes.

11.5: Same setting/layout as Panel 2. You can see, after a few moments of silence, a sudden jolt of anxiety as she tries to figure out the next big question resting on the tip of her tongue.


I see. I…


My apologies for the accidental mental intrusion–force of habit…


We’d be happy to answer a question also buried in your mind, Ms. Cartwright…


…One that has served as a steady weight on your mind for quite awhile, especially right now.

ROBIN (Bubble 2) Yeah. I’ve been doing a genotherapy for–months now, to help me adapt to all this space stuff. I’ve discovered a lot of pretty cool powers that have popped up recently. But looking at you guys right now, I…


You’re curious if you’ll end up the same way as us…

11.6: Jes calmly pats the young human woman on the shoulder in a comforting fashion, which matches the words coming out of their mouth.


It’s impossible to guess what else your body will do in the weatts and monats to come. But we were born with this condition already…

SELLECK (Off-Panel) …If it has yet to happen at this point, odds are strong that whatever changes you’ve dealt with will be the lone ones. It’s possible that, by any metric, your body will stabilize at this point.

JES (Bubble 2) …But that’s merely an educated guess at this point. The best thing to do is what you’re currently doing and what you have done your entire life- trust your heart.

Page 12

12.1: At the other end of the room, as this conversation has been going on, we see the Madam and W-r’Ren talking over a layout of images from previous scans from the Pterodrone device.



…It’s been effective, thus far., from what we have seen.

MADAM And this RAM-3 pops up at the same time every nacht for the three weatt?

W-R’REN (nods)

Three weatts, nine and a third–to be on the dot.

12.2: Slight close-up on the shelter leader a beat later, continuing on with the rest of the tale. You can see in shadow the slow bomber-like RAM-3 over xis left shoulder, providing a visual point for the reader.

W-R’REN (Cont.) They’d come in over the hills along with the TA’s eastern press and demand our surrender. Then, when we tell ‘em to flark off, they flood us with bombas and blaster fire for 15 minuyats before one of our Yleens- the ship you and your crew met- would catch up and they’d buzz off.

NESSA (Off-Panel) Have you tried taking it out with whatever bombas you were able to keep by?

W-R’REN (Bubble 2)

Tried it once. We lost a great deal of souls and barely put much of a bett’n dent in it.

12.3: Madam furrows her brow in worry and curiosity toward a big point of the whole story she noticed.


What about getting with the Air Armada to get a Public Tram out to safety in between appearances? There’s an outpost, like, 30-40 metros away from here Dyio talked about.

W-R’REN (interjecting, Off-Panel)

Haha…oh, Madam!

12.4: Flashback image to three days before, showing the RAM-3 destroying an Air Tram just before it could reach the edge of the village.

W-R’REN (Cont., Caption) You honestly think we’d have buzzed either you or Airperson Petro if the solution were that simple?

12.5: Back in the present, we see W-r’Ren standing at the edge of the big board and pressing a button on the side to hammer home xis big point…


It doesn’t mean we haven’t planned for an escape though. Next to our village is a AA research site that took some damage during a recent raid a few datums before your arrival. One of the Airpeople at the site was able to break out something that, thanks to your crew, might prove quite useful…

12.6: …an image of a sizable ship that looks like a luxury cruise liner in a past life, albeit with an assortment of armor patches reinforced at different points of the ship for defensive purposes. There’s also a long gun barrel visible to the front side that was installed along with the armor bits.


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