The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 5: Part 4.1
Page 19
19.1: Cut to a wide shot of the RAM-3 on the villageside battlefield being engulfed in the flames of the Boo-Ya!’s bomba seconds after it explodes. You can see part of a nearby support plane before it fully becomes cinder.
(4Meta Caption) Then again–Emma willing–this ever becomes a proper book, xe just saved the artist a considerable amount of wristache having to draw action for those pages. So…some useful brilliance, and definitely a kind of kindness. Anyway, let’s end this likely unimportant metaramble and head back to Robin…
19.2: We move to Ms. Cartwright inside the massive escape ship at the shelter, hauling four big metal crates (two per hand) over to the loading bay for the escape ship.
CAPALDI (Cont., 4Meta Caption) …just in time for what looks like something big that’s about to happen for our favorite hu-mahn woman.
19.3: Action shot of the young woman a short time later placing each of the boxes down next to a wall of similar ones in the loading bay.
19.4: She springs back from the crouch in the previous panel to a standing position; her feet just beginning to float a few inches off the ground.
19.5: Robin then flies off past a host of other technical staff in the shelter who look up and wave, giving various exclamations of thanks and gratitude for the work of her fellow crewmates.
CAPALDI (4Meta caption)
Well, big to her anyways…!
19.6: She lands moments later a few steps from the rear entrance where Jes is standing immediately in front of her.
ROBIN (surprised) Jes, hey! There an issue with the load-in?
JES No, all’s as smooth as the seas xerself, thanks in some part to your crewmates.
ROBIN (Bubble 2) Cool. So, why the sudden pop-up without your sib?
JES (Bubble 2)
Your friend Dyio Petro is calling from the Main Line.
ROBIN (thought bubble, Bubble 3) Little weird they didn’t ring my comm, but okay…
Page 20
20.1: Robin’s calm demeanor drops at the mention of the name; her mind shifting to discovering the answer to the big follow-up that pops up.
Did xhe say what exactly it was about?
20.2: Jes shrugs at the question, reciting as much as she can in response to the question.
JES Xhe was not as upfront with either of us over what it was about…
20.3: Cut to a shot of Selleck at the same time, giving the same message to Madam and Nessa at another part of the underground settlement.
…But they said it wouldn’t be necessary as you or someone on your Boo-Ya! crew would be quite familiar with what it was about already.
20.4: We move to a shot of Madam and Nessa reacting with some annoyance and nonchalance, recognizing what exactly the Airperson happens to be talking about.
Annoyingly cryptic…but not wrong either, too.
MADAM Where is this Main Line of yours again?
20.5: Cut to the fully assembled crew looking at a holographic image of Airperson Petro (visible from the back in the reader’s view) after hearing the message from xer lips.
MADAM They’re sure this info’s the real deal? DYIO PETRO With thorough certitude, yep. Got it from a friend in one of the SAG regiments fighting over in the southern Simonelands…