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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 5: Part 4.2

Page 21

21.1: Cut to a shot of the V4X machine going through its first stage of activation; a section of soldiers and staff scattering about in all directions in the lower half of the panel view.

DYIO PETRO (Cont., Caption) The goons at the switch fired up the Swirler a little after your guys’ impressive beatdown over at the E*, and–

21.2: Back to a shot of Robin and Petro a beat later; the former chiming in with some confusion at the name.



DYIO PETRO (explanatory) That’s what the Double A’s call the machine. It’s from this whole O’Julanian myth about a fox and a femme…it’s a lot to explain.

ROBIN (Bubble 2) Right. Sounds like a pretty cool story.

DYIO PETRO (Bubble 2) I’ll tell it to you later.

21.3: Cut to a slight close-up of the good cap’n a few beats later, with an important follow-up question to this news.

MADAM How long before it becomes a planetwide problem?

21.4: We move to Nessa standing next to the Madam in the same scene as the previous panel, adding another important question.

NESSA For that matter, how the hells is this gonna affect the planet we pieced together?

21.5: Dyio shakes her head confidently in regards to the second question while sliding calmly into the first one.


Not a lot, I suspect. As for your question, Madam: most deep drills, from what I remember, take about 3-4 horuts to really get going. What we saw, the V4X is twice that big.

MADAM (Off-Panel, interjecting)

So, 8 horuts.


(Bubble 2)

Sounds right. We zoom to the location at top speed, it should be enough to slip in and kick proper arse–

21.6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A beat later, she recognizes one missing component to the tableau

DYIO PETRO (curious) Hey, where the hells the brainy one, Staehlia? Still fixing your ship up?

Page 22

22.1: Madam raises her comm toward her mouth as she speaks, signaling what’ll happen next as she speaks.

MADAM (nods) I’ve been meaning to double check on things before you swooped in. One mo…

22.2: Cut to Staehlia and Capaldi on the Boo-Ya!, at work on a power box in the station moments later as their comm chirps.

MADAM (from Staehlia’s comm) Hey Stahl, my ship back at 100?

CAPALDI (nods) Aye, should be so in another minuyat or so.

22.3: Back to the good cap’n at the shelter, chuckling and letting out a slight grin as she continues.

MADAM Good to hear…’cause we’re splitting right the hells now.

22.4: Close-up on Staehlia moving away from the power box after they finished working with a look of surprise on their face.

STAEHLIA Quicker than I anticipated…where are we heading to?

DAIYO PETRO (from the comm) We were explaining the answer to just that question, Mx. Ev.

22.5: A two-part set of panels that starts out with them and their AI companion, glancing at the comm as a set of beeps which indicate the oncoming rush of info that…

22.6: …soon appears in the form of a snapshot and the same military audio the rest of the crew had heard earlier.

CAPALDI Huh. Shite…


(nods) Once again, your gift for succinct bluntness shines through, Capaldi!

(Bubble 2, addressing the crew)

I will fly the ship into transporter range at the same spot where we arrived in a few minuyats to pick you guys up.

MADAM (from the comm)

Sounds good…


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