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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 5: Part 4.3

Page 23

23.1: Action shot of the two of them heading down the hallway at an elevated pace toward the bridge; Capaldi, in the left of the panel view, going through with less exertion than his fleshy compatriot.

CAPALDI I know the timing’s all for shite, given that biz from the cap’n. But…Mani’s popping in with an urgent message.


Was it actually urgent, or did it just sound urgent by your calculations?

CAPALDI (Bubble 2) She actually mentioned the word “urgent” in the beginning of the message, and then repeated it a couple more times. All things that are rare as the infinite hells for you Titanians, if I remember my Titan decorum programming properly.

23.2: Steahlia smirks gently at the comment and nods with some agreement at the comment as they near the end of the hallway.

STAEHLIA Yes. Yes, it is. I believe I have an idea what she may be referring to. Or at least…I hope so, anyway.

23.3: The AI companion fires back playfully, keeping up alongside the same area a split second later. You can see the background behind Capaldi get a little brighter, signifying a ‘port in progress to the Bridge, as he speaks.

CAPALDI (chuckles) I hope you’re right too, kiddo. Especially given all the shite we’ve dealt with all these long arsed months. I’ll have the good stuff prepped to your room once this is all donezo, just in case.

23.4: As Capaldi bolts ahead, we see Staehlia nod respectfully to their friend; the grin from Panel 2 a little wider at this point.

STAEHLIA Indeed…cheers.

23.5: After making a turn in between panels, they head over to the entrance to the bridge (visible in the far end of the panel); their pace slower than before.

23.6: Cut to a local running up into a sea of bodies at what looks like a political rally somewhere in the Capitol a little earlier than where we’ve been on O’Julana.


(4Meta Caption)

Back on Capitol- three words that, more often than not, end up in something really really bad happening.

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24.1: Slight close-up on the local meeting up a short time later with a couple of friends sharing a quick friendly hug upon seeing one another.

24.2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A short time later, following the hugs, we see the three of them- along with the others in the background- chatting in eager anticipation for who’s about to arrive next.


(winded, apologetic)

Sorry, the tram from A&unsvill was flarking garbo todat…I miss anything?


(shakes their head)

Nope. The warmup act finished a few minuyats ago.


Aww, blerrg! Did they do anything from the new album?

24.3: Capitol Local #2 nods a beat later, and sighs slightly with a sense of “UGH!” that comes with the rest of the answer.


At the start, yeah. But mostly they stuck with the big hits “messy in HURROnt” from their last one.

CAPITOL LOCAL #2 (Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 1) No worries. I taped the performance on my comm. I’ll send you a holovid of it.

24.4: Hxs friend sighs and flashes a look of partial regret in terms of the second sentence of the response.

CAPITOL LOCAL Bett’n! I really loved their last album…

CAPITOL LOCAL (Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubble 2) Cheers, duddo! You happen to spot any…?

24.5: Right before the Capitol Local is set to ask their question, a flurry of official music blares over the loudspeakers and drawing both friends’ attention to the stage. You can see the same effect with the other fans in the background who are cheering in anticipation of who’s coming on.

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption)

Huh. Not too bad so far. Maybe I spoke too soon…

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25.1: Cut to the Vice Chancellor a short time later, just as she’s revving into her speech; the sound of the applause soaking deep into her bones.

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption) Yeah, scratch that!



Mmmm, that M’Trias Hull…I had the biggest boomer for hym when I was in Pre-U. My fandom’s actually how me and my pubby Urrne’l’l first met when we were in the Trench Politz. So gotta say, thank you so so much for that…!

25.2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A beat later, the veteran politician leans toward Urrne’l’l with a playful coda to the rest of her statement. You can see a flurry of laughter from the audience litter the bottom of the panel view.

VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA (Cont.) I know, I know yun–don’t worry! I’ll ask if ye and hys better half can join for drinks after I’m finished here.

25.3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. As the laughter fades, we see Brunnya quickly turns back to the purpose of the speech.

VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA (Cont.) Anyway, I know many of you are here to see our beloved Prime Chancellor speak on the 9 jahr ani of his glorious victory in the Beschuldigig Square. But I asked for a little more time before he came out to talk to you all about the latest on the military operation on O’Julana, and he gave his enthusiastic okay after what I told him the news was.

25.4: A two-part set of panels that starts out tracking the Vice Chancellor a beat later, addressing the crowd as she goes into her round-up.


(Cont.) It has been a…slightly more difficult operation than we surmised earlier. But I can tell you that, praise the Eye, your patience and commitment to the strength and power of this blessed Tristellar Alliance will pay off in due time. How you may ask? Well…

25.5: In the second panel, she stops a split second later; the edge of the reveal is very clearly in sight…



May I introduce you to the pride of military tech, the result of jahrs of hard work, well-tailored secrecy, and many mellions of credits- Project V4X. Or as the grunts have lovingly come to call it…

25.6: …an image of the machine we saw earlier shows up on the projector behind her to the ecstatic applause of the crowd.


The Chevexell.

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption) Yep, definitely bad. Also…not the greatest name for a doomsday weapon, if I’m honest. Then again, dictators and authoritarian types don’t exactly have bright, sparkling imaginations. So, shouldn’t be that surprised. Anyway, stay tuned next time where things get fun and explodey as we take on Chevexell!


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