The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 6: Part 1.2
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3.1: Cheroir glances up at the craft’s rearview mirror, lifting xis furry four-fingered hand up in order to…
3.2: …zoom the image in tighter, revealing Madam and Airperson Petro as they get themselves situated and look around for the person in question.
CHEROIR (translated from old Lexian) Let the fun begin…!
3.3: Action shot of the automobile in full drive, making a 180 degree turn in the direction of our protagonists. You can see the brilliant dude reaching over to press a button underneath the dashboard as xe drives…
3.4: …which sends a quick ivory white energy glimmer from the front over the back, giving the appearance ever so briefly that the bunch of tools partly visible in the last page has disappeared.
3.5: Back to the Madam and Dyio a short time later, patiently waiting for the mxn to arrive; the former tapping the top of her sword to burn off a little bit of nerves.
MADAM How will we know who’s Cheroir?
Not too hard, duda. Xe said xe had a special signal attached once xe spot us that only we’d be able to see.
(Bubble 2) Oh, coolio. Staehlia’s been working jahrs cooking up a device like that. They could never get the light fragmentation to work out…
3.6: We move to a splitscreen type image of the skies just above the pair a few beats later. The left side shows what Madam and Daiyo see- a pair of swirly gold and rose colored spheres with M & D in the center of each. The right side shows what other organic life not named Madam or Daiyo see, which is to say…absolutely nothing.
CHEROIR (Caption)
I call ‘em Posties.
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4.1: The towering genius with a stick-like physique stands just in front of the driver’s side door and stretches their arms, addressing the pair a short time later as they’re walking towards them.
CHEROIR (Cont.) Automated signal message drones that are tuned into the respective geno sigs of whoever you wanna target, making it invisible to the eyes and ears of others.
4.2: Back to the Madam standing near the back and a few steps behind Airperson Petro who is moving purposefully toward the passenger seat.
MADAM (unstrapping her pack)
I got a friend of mine who would be supremely jealous of those Posties of yours.
4.3: Cheroir chuckles heartily and turns to the car, glancing back at the good captain as xe speaks.
Hells of an honor, coming from the supremely talented Staehlia!
CHEROIR (Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 1)
My partner’s in the piracy trade before the war. Some of your printed exploits are pretty big in this section of the galaxy.
4.4: Action shot of Madam getting situated on the seat a few moments later, placing her pack next to the one Cheroir already had.
MADAM (surprised)
Didn’t know Stahl developed that much of a fanbase since this bett’n war.
MADAM (Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubble 2) Huh. Coolio…!
4.5: As the automobile revs up a short time later, she spots a sleeve poking out from the other pack that catches her eye.
4.6: Close-up on Madam moments later, slowly pulling at the sleeve to reveal what looks like a black and pink colored jumpsuit which catches her attention.