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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 6: Part 2.3

Page 11

11.1: We move to a shot of Nessa’s body moments later, motionless and seemingly dead to the naked eye; the security orbs now long gone from the scene, signified by the beginning “THUNK!” of the closing door. All seems lost at this point until, suddenly…

11.2: …she opens her eyes, returning to life with a gasp and as much gusto as she can muster given what happened.

11.3: Action shot of our protagonist rising to her feet moments later, clutching her stomach which took the brunt of the blast.

NESSA Thank the gods for shite battery service, and a pair of big lungs.

11.4: Cut to her lifting up the bag from where she hucked it, grimacing with some level of pain as she speaks.

NESSA (Cont.)

Unfortunately, all that drama’s eaten up a good chunk of time to plant the bomba. Not enough to be trouble for the others–hopefully.

11.5: She’s seen standing in front of a hard drive that stretches to the very top of the panel, reaching in for the tool for this job.

11.6: A few beats later, we see the tri-corded device in her hand and begin to click into different ports to achieve the task. As this is going on, an ominous voice bellows in from off-panel right…

VOICE (Off-Panel)

Reminder to tune in your shield frequency to .81/.2225 before the Chevexell is activated.

Page 12

12.1: Cut to Dyio, Cheroir and the Madam at a different part of the base, dressed in their respective janitorial outfits as the message comes bellowing out of the loudspeaker at the same time.

VOICE (Cont., Off-Panel) Yes, that’s why we have the cleanup crew on base. But not even mecha grunts deserve to spend horuts cleaning up the gooey remains of your bodies…

DYIO PETRO (snarky, over the rest of the message) How bloody big hearted! MADAM I think it’s impossible for these Tassholes not to be insulting. Then again, the bulk of those I meet try to kill me and mine, so…could be skewed in my thoughts.

DYIO PETRO (Bubble 2) Nah, sounds about right.

12.2: Slight close-up on Cheroir- who’s been near the rear of this grouping- glancing around the general area with no shortage of apprehension on their face as they speak.

CHEROIR Something feels off. Your chica Nessa should’ve torched the base’s security gaze by now.

12.3: Madam glances back reassuringly at the associate a beat later, seeking to tamp his worry at the situation.

MADAM I wouldn’t worry much about Ness, Cher. She probably got a little held up trying to nav through the map–not the first time that’s happened. When the going gets tough, trust me, she gets the job done.

12.4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A split second after the good captain says it, the power on the base goes off. You can faintly see her outline as she speaks.

MADAM (Cont., confident smile) Like the proverbial clockwork…time for us to hold up our end!

12.5: Action shot of the group heading down a nearby hallway moments later, with the Airperson taking the lead and pointing toward somewhere off-panel left as they speak.


The controls for the Chev should be around this bend.

12.6: A short time later, as they near the control center, the emergency lights come up, bathing the entire area in a wide pool of yellow.



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