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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 6: Part 3.1

Page 13

13.1: Cut to Nessa at the same time, looking up at the flashing emergency yellow lights as she’s heading back out with the same fear that was on the others face at the end of the last page.

NESSA …is trouble! I was hoping the explosion would’ve taken the emergency signal out a little bit longer than that.

13.2: The backpack is off a few moments later, and we see our protagonist searching through the sizable contents for the right weapon.

NESSA (Cont.) Luckily, I’ve been through enough messy arsed missions to be prepared whenever one shows up…

13.3: Slight close-up on her face a split second later, annoyed by the sudden appearance of a pair of loud bangs emanating from off-panel right the same way she came in.

NESSA (shouting)

Hold your puppet arses, jackboots…

13.4: Meanwhile, the rest of the group in full stride the rest of the way to the control center; the sound of footsteps coming toward them. You can see the Madam pulling her sword out, while Dyio pulls out a pair of discs strapped to his side.


(Cont., Caption)

…Your beatdown will come in due time!


You sure we shouldn’t signal Ness, make sure she isn’t being overtaken somehow?

MADAM She’ll be fine, duddo. She’s been in more scraps than you’ve been in cockpits…she’ll be alright. Besides, we’ve still got our side of the mission to wrap up–

13.5: Action shot of the good cap’n getting interrupted by a flurry of laser blasts, which they duck to the side to keep from getting hit.

13.6: Slight close-up on Madam and Dyio a split second later, sharing a brief exchange amidst the equally brief pause.


Just as we prepped, yeah?



Indeed…clev’yat, comrade!

MADAM (Bubble 2) …You too!


(4Meta Caption) That was Old Lexian for “Good luck,” in case you were curious…

Page 14

14.1: Meanwhile, on the Boo-Ya!, we see Staehlia and Robin waiting for the news and hovering over the comm speaker located on the far left of the teleporter console.

CAPALDI (Cont., 4Meta Caption)

A sentiment more than shared thousands of metros up from this action with the other members of the Boo-Ya!, along with no shortage of nerves.


We should lay off a little while longer before popping in.

ROBIN (antsy) It’s already been half an hour. Wasn’t that the time when they said we should fire up the ‘port and snag ‘em from trouble?

STAEHLIA (Bubble 2)

Yes. But that dictum was predicated by the caveat of the appearance in the sky of…

14.2: Next to them, a hologram of the Madam from the planning stage pops up to tippify the point to Ms. Cartwright.


A bright yellow-orange cloud with “HELP” written on it. It’ll be in the skies right below where you’re orbiting.

14.3: Cut to a shot of Staehlia glancing over at Capaldi appreciatively for the visual aid. You can see a slight smirk on the AI’s face as he speaks.

STAEHLIA Thank you for the visual accompaniment, Cap. Though not entirely warranted as I remember the conversation quite well.

CAPALDI Still, doesn’t hurt to have a good reminder to reinforce it. Robin would testify to this fact. From my data banks, hu-mahns usually respond to visual helpers like…

14.4: Suddenly, there’s a loud bang and shaking combination that rattles our protagonists and disrupts the tone of waiting slightly.

14.5: Robin and Staehlia crowd around Capaldi after the shaking subsides, waiting as the AI companion tries to summon a screen in his left hand.

STAEHLIA Is that…?

CAPALDI (interjecting)

Possibly. I’m checking sensors, just in case…

14.6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel, moments later. We see an image from the main sensor back on the bridge, showing a spike in energy in the middle-left section of the ground map.

CAPALDI (shakes his head) It’s not them. Given the presence of the rumbling and the energy rush I picked up, however, it’s entirely possible it could…

STAEHLIA (knowing)

Yeah. Yeah, I–I concur that fear.


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