The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 6: Part 3.3
Page 17
17.1: The group reassembles a few moments later, and begin to ‘port out after a call to Capaldi back on the ship.
CAPALDI (4Meta Caption) Things got a wee tense for a bit. But I was able to get ‘em all back onboard just before the big boom. As for Cherry and Airperson Petro, I got the pair of them to some buddos a little ways away before any nearby regiments could spot us and start raining phaser fire. On other datums, these developments would be more than worthy of celebration of the liquid and physical variety. Given Ness’ condition though…
17.2: We move back to the ship just after the crew returned, in particular the medbay area. It’s here that we see Staehlia examining the unconscious Nessa, doing their level best to find a way to help fix her wounds. You can see Robin and the Madam looking on nervously in the panel left area of the shot.
CAPALDI (Cont., 4Meta Caption) …This was a sizable exception. Religious folk from many planets (including your native Ey-arth) would call this the perfect time to start consulting their respective deities for help. Entirely fair, if you think about it.
17.3: Back in the Prime Chancellor’s office, we see the Vice Chancellor doing her best not to flinch as a holographic image smashes into a million pieces to the left of the panel view.
CAPALDI (Cont., 4Meta Caption) But, in my view, it should not precede a considerable amount of cursing of said deities for the situation to begin. If they’re up there and listening anyhow.
(Off-Panel) 90 datums…!
17.4: Action shot of ULarrett approaching his number two with a sense of absolute rage in his eyes and voice; first bits of news and images from the Chevellex appearing on the HV in the background in the panel right corner.
PRIME CHANCELLOR ULARRETT (Cont.) That’s how long you said this flarking military operation would last before the O’Julanians would fold. Yet here we are, on the 90th datum, and we’re closer to a draw than decisive victory. Hammered home, perfectly, by…
17.5: A slight close-up of the HV screen to the reader as the TA leader hammers the point emphatically.
PRIME CHANCELLOR ULARRETT (underneath the panel)
17.6: Cut to Brunnya a beat later, taking her first steps toward her boss; her face flashing a calm and slightly defensive demeanor to the situation.
VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA This is a simple setback, zir. By every metric the MoD’s given us, the ultimate outcome of our military exercise is still firmly on our side. Just last weatt, we routed them in the northwest…
PRIME CHANCELLOR ULARRETT (Off-Panel) If I’m not mistaken, you never served in combat before going to Parliament.
Right, zir. It was never a requirement on my home planet. I got the assignment via special dispensation by the–
Page 18
18.1: Cut to Zr. Ularrett walking around the front of the desk, illuminating the point ze made at the end of the previous page.
(interjecting) I’m perfectly aware of your resume, Liena. I mention that tiny part simply to highlight something that aspiring officers learn in their first jahr of the Military Academy: “It’s only a crack till it becomes a flood.”
18.2: We move back to the Vice Chancellor with a furrowed brow, confused about the meaning behind the statement.
Which means…?
18.3: Ularrett glares daggers at zis subordinate, standing a handful of feet in front of one another, and delivers a simple ultimatum.
PRIME CHANCELLOR ULARRETT I want your little religious escapade wrapped up by the end of the monat, or I’m notifying Ex-Home Affairs to begin negotiations…
18.4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The Prime Chancellor’s point is momentarily disrupted by an electric blast from his Number Two’s left hand, which sends him backward for a few steps; the worst of the blow absorbed by a personal shield ze (as well as zis other predecessors) wear 24/7.
18.5: Slight close-up on Ularrett’s face a split second after the action, smirking with a sense of respectful menace to the attempt.
PRIME CHANCELLOR ULARRETT I thought your fighting prowess was much better than that.
PRIME CHANCELLOR ULARRETT (Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 6, Bubble 1) …You can go!
18.6: Leina laughs a little louder than before in her reply, nodding respectfully as she speaks.
(teasing) That’s just a taste…zir!