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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 6: Part 4.1

Page 19

19.1: The Prime Chancellor looks on as Brunnya walks out of the room; zis mind already shifting to the other tasks on his schedule.

19.2: She shifts her attention to her comm as she approaches the elevator (whose front doors are partly visible in the background), talking to someone holding what she hopes will be the answer to her question.

VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA (perturbed) Tell me you have good news for me, J_J.

JENN_JAD (from VC Brunnya’s comm)

Indeed I do, xe’am Vice Chancellor.

19.3: Cut to a shot of Jenn_Jad back on the TA’s command center in the northern part of O’Julana, talking to her subordinate with a few lieutenants visible in the left section of the background.

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption) This is Jenn_Jad, VC Brunnya’s Liaison on O’Julana. What’s the Liaison do, you might be asking? They’re essentially the “Eyes, Ears, and Occasionally Boots Up Arse” for the Tassers fighting there.



Are you familiar with the Final Stab?

19.4: Back to the Vice Chancellor stepping into the elevator a beat later, pondering the question ever so slightly.

VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA I remember reading it, yes…

CAPALDI (4Meta Caption)

It was a strategy that was birthed in the halls of the TA’s Military Intelligence over a decat ago in a prior conflict. It entails, whenever ground forces are finding troubles on the battlefield, the destruction of the “enemy” planet’s main seat of power (the Royal O’Julanan Palace, in this case) utilize force equivalent to the power of three of your quaint compensating nuclear weapons as a way to ensure the populace’s eternal submission.

19.5: She turns back around a beat later, reaching out with her opposite hand to an off-panel console as she finishes the rest of her thought.


This definitely qualifies as an emergency. If there are any Generals with apprehensions, you have my permission to grab them by the collar and tell them the Vice Chancellor–

JENN_JAD (interjecting, from the comm) They’re actually onboard with the idea. There’s two tiny problems that need to be addressed beforehand.

VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA (Bubble 2) By the Eye…what problems?

Page 20

20.1: We move to a graphic of the O’Julana planet; a single star in the left-center area representing the capital Dianon. You can see a pair of question marks scattered over different areas of the planet.

JENN_JAD (Cont., Caption) The first is: we haven’t spotted any signs of life inside the palace since shortly after the start of the military operation, and we’ve checked every innt of it..

VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA (Caption) So we smash it and claim it as a propaganda coup as we sic an Armada to obliterate the three of them in secret. Still failing to see the problem…! What’s the second issue?

20.2: Cut to a makeshift military outpost away from the fighting, and fortified with shielding and a pair of mid-sized TASF Cruisers protecting from both sides.



It’s more of a logistic problem. The principal weapon that would be used in the Final Stab is currently being kept in the lower level of MO-229 just outside Krekklyn. If you give the order now, even with your expedited command…

20.3: Close-up to a hangar bay in the eastern side where a ship takes off a short time later, moving at full speed to its destination.

JENN_JAD (Cont., Caption) At top speed, it’ll be in position and ready to fire a weatt and a halb. Which could prove troublesome if the O’Julanians continue making significant gains on the battlefield–

VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA (Caption) What if we fire it before it’s in position, when it happens to be in orbit in the same area as the Palace? That should take 2-3 datums off that estimate, correct?

JENN_JAD (Caption 2) In theory, yes. But–


Tell them they’ve got the green light.

20.4: Cut to ground level of Dianon outside the palace as this whole thing takes place. A pair of large cruisers designed to take on a contingent of bodies parks across the street.


(Cont., Caption) In the meantime, I’ll buzz a friend and bring in a…fresh pair of eyes to the situation. Just in case they missed anything.

20.5: The back of the cruisers are open, and a pipeline of heavily armed mercenaries pour out and the proverbial rumble begins.

20.6: Close-up on someone with a sophisticated bazooka of some kind firing onto the palace itself…

20.7: …taking out a chunk of the wall in a blaze of fiery bits.


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