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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 7: Part 2.1

Page 7

7.1: Cut to an image of the thing that was attached to the last photograph- an older image of Rhoklynn’s past of him hauling a pair of brutally murdered females dressed in beautiful formal outfits. Next to the photos are receipts for payment and photos of him with a pair of mercenaries who did the proverbial job.

MP BRUNNYA (Caption)

These are the cousins of the Governor-General on your planet, Dadavyn Skeeln, who were each in line to ascend to the Parliament. A normal part of how our blessed Alliance operates…if it weren’t for the fact you had them killed by mercenaries, which is illegal according to your planet’s bylaws.

7.2: Back to Rdai a beat later, opening the menu up as she finishes the rest of the story with an increased sense of threat compared to the previous page.


Slipping this type of information their way would not guarantee your imminent expulsion from the body, I’ll admit. But I wager it would definitely be inspiration enough for someone younger amongst your planet’s upper echelons to challenge you for your seat in the very, very near future. And given your age and the way you’ve been clutching your upper boosk muscle since we met, I gotta say…I wouldn’t like your chances!

7.3: For the first time, we see a sense of utter fear overtake Rhoklynn’s eyes as one obvious question comes screaming in his mind.


Okay, okay…you’ve got my attention.

7.4: MP Brunnya smiles from ear to ear as she goes into her reply; the opened menu still in hand in the lower half of the panel. You can see the shadow from the waiter off-panel a split second before they’re set to enter the conversation.

MP BRUNNYA I’m so glad to hear that. There’s still plenty of time to go through all that…once we get through the “appis.”

7.5: Wide shot of the two politicians a short time later with their respective drinks, discussing things in silence. You can see on both sides of the panel view the normal traffic of the restaurant moving to and fro as this goes on.

T’H-INA (Caption) So, did he say yes? MP BRUNNYA (Caption)

Possibly. The photo your little program scraped together definitely got his attention, and he said he’d back the bill at second reading.

T’H-INA (Caption 2)

That’s good. I’m not sure why you’re so hesitant to take the win, if I may be so blunt.

Page 8

8.1: Back inside the personal cruiser taking the young MP and her intern back to the office, we see Rdai with an approximation of the answer to the end of the previous page.

MP BRUNNYA It’s fine, in this instance. Part of me’s can’t shake the stories I’ve read the past few years of MPs going back on pledges prior to Second Readings, or some who end up backstabbing–

T’H-INA (chimes in)

–Like MP Tu-rNeeia–

MP BRUNNYA (Bubble 2)

Aye–Who end up backstabbing the other party in the press in order to prop up their Beschuldigig bids.

8.2: A few moments of pause later, a potential idea to assuage her boss’ worries pops into the young intern’s head.

T’H-INA Didn’t you mention a former romantic partner who had some military connection? They might provide a good Plan B.

8.3: MP Brunnya scoffs and raises a confused eyebrow at the question while answering it as truthfully as she could.

MP BRUNNYA An intriguing idea. But there’s one problem: I haven’t spoken to them since they joined the SkyForce the following jahr. Hells, I’m not entirely sure they even remember me.



I can always look them up in the PCG, if you want me to search.

MP BRUNNYA (Bubble 2) …You’re welcome to try, T.

8.4: Action shot of T’H-Ina quickly scrolling away on her comm’s keyboard, powered by the bulk of the idea in the hope that there might be more there.

8.5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. After a few moments of silence spent scrolling and waiting for pages to load, there’s a breakthrough.

T’H-INA (grins) Found ‘em- Z’Nyiest Str’less! They’re not in the Armed Forces, though they are adjacent to the Defense industry.


(Off-Panel) What do you mean, “adjacent?”

8.6: Cut to a posh looking three-tiered satellite orbiting the Capitol a few days later, buzzing with a mixture of heavy military aircraft and more civilian stuff belonging to the other clientele.

MP BRUNNYA (Caption)

It’s a mercenary outfit?


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