The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 7: Part 2.3
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11.1: We move back to Rdai a few moments later, pondering the full weight of the Minty in her head in her overall decision.
(Cont.) Part of me’s drawn by the Minty. But another part wants to see the rest of your offerings, in case they hold another, less messy way to achieve the same effect.
11.2: Zeen glances back at their friend, recognizing the deeper meaning behind the request and prepped with the appropriate counter.
Actually, old friendo, you don’t have to do too much searching. I may have just the thing to follow those metrics…!
11.3: Action shot a short time later of a secret compartment inside Zx. St’rless’ desk, revealing a glass tube filled with a clear-gray liquid that has a bit of a foggy glint at the top.
Z’NYIEST ST’RLESS (Off-Panel) The scientific name is Mooskzuuhcka. But the rest of the Bio office coined another name I find pretty brilliant: the Foghorn.
11.4: Cut to a shot of the two of them examining the tube of liquid a beat later, as Z’Nyiest finishes up the rest of their explanation.
Z’NYIEST ST’RLESS (Cont.) It starts out in liquid form, but comes out gaseous either through a simple spray or spreading outward like a Crackler. Pre-determined Nanite targeting moves it toward your target, and it proceeds to black their brain out for a span of a few horuts. All you have to do is wait two-three minuyats before popping in and…guiding him where you want him to go.
MP BRUNNYA (impressed) I like it. All that without any side effects? Any lingering chemical traces that an opponent could glom onto for their own advantage? Z’NYIEST ST’RLESS (Bubble 2)
None, and none. Oh wait–there is a slightly nagging cough the target may suffer for about…halb an horut, I think, but that’s about it.
11.5: Close-up on Rdai’s face, flashing a grin that is just a little bit brighter than with the Minty. You can also see a slight glint of worry on her face when it comes to one detail.
MP BRUNNYA I’m gonna take a wild guess and say this will cost a considerably high amount of ched.
11.6: Zeen chuckles lightly at the comment, changing the tube from their right to their left hand as they speak.
(nods) For most of my governmental clientele (and those with deep bank accounts), that would be a vast undestatement. For a dear friend and former lover though…
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12.1: We see the young MP a short time later after paying the necessary ched for the ship, waiting as a small black crate containing the Foghorn is slid by a front counter tech across a light brown metal countertop separating the two.
Z’NYIEST ST’RLESS (Cont., Caption) “Considerably High” should fit the proverbial bill.
12.2: She heads back to her ship to fly back home, carrying the case and readying the next part of the plan.
Z’NYIEST ST’RLESS (Caption) It goes without saying I would say that, if this backfires somehow, you won’t…
Rat your business out to the press? Indeed I will not. Mainly ‘cause such a thing would blow up in my face as well. Also, even with the shadiness of your business, it stems toward the preservation of a greater good, which I can respect.
12.3: Flashing back to Zx. St’rless’ office, we see Brunnya stop right at the edge of the door upon hearing her friend call out a handful of steps behind her.
(heading toward the MP’s position) Before you leave, I wanted to give you something else.
12.4: The two meet up a few moments later; Zeen to the panel right, and MP Brunnya to the panel left side. You can see them extending a note card sized document toward the politico containing the “something else.”
MP BRUNNYA (curious) I already have your BC information from my staff.
Z’NYIEST ST’RLESS (correcting)
This doesn’t connect to the office line, Raddy. This connects squarely to a personal line.
MP BRUNNYA (Bubble 2)
Ugh, Eye preserve me…!
Z’NYIEST ST’RLESS (Bubble 2) It’s not a romantic put-on. I’m happily in a polycule since a few monats ago. This is just in case you get roped into some military brouhaha and need an extra set of eyes.
12.5: Close-up on Zx. St’rless a beat later, shifting toward a slightly defensive posture as they go into a fuller explanation of it.
Z’NYIEST ST’RLESS (Cont.) I know, given your religious beliefs, that kinda stuff like this gives you pielshkla. But given how in your youth you always told me you wanted to occupy the Prime Chancellorship when you grew up, there’d be some use for my council. Unless that main goal’s changed somehow?
12.6: Rdai shakes their head in silent agreement to the question as delivered at the end of the previous panel.
With that goal in place, odds are strong you’ll probably end up in a similar situation than with this Giahhto dud-o leading right up to that day. One that’ll result in the use of more little helpers like the Foghorn to help pave that road expertly…
12.7: Back to Zeen a beat later to give the last bit of flourish to their pitch, complete with a respective salesperson type smile.
Z’NYIEST ST’RLESS (Cont.) Who better to have your back than one who can know you the very best?