The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 7: Part 3.3
Page 17
17.1: We move to a shot of MP Giahhto on HV speaking at a press conference that happens to be flanked by a group of similarly aged and greatly surprised colleagues in the background. The chyron underneath the image fleshes out the meaning behind said surprise- “Shock Resignation After U-Turn on GI’onn Military Aid.”
MP BRUNNYA (Caption) Resoundingly, yes! I decided, after he’d already ingested the nanites, to throw in a little extra and get him to quit Parliament altogether. Which given his…less than pleasant attitudes toward the other genders, I would say it’s still a net plus for society.
17.2: Cut to Rdai in the Parliament halls being interviewed later that evening by a reporter regarding the same story; the cameraperson partly visible in the left side of the panel view.
(Caption) Normally, I’d frown over something that wasn’t explicitly mentioned at the time of transaction. But the dude was an absolute slimy piece of shite, even by the standards of Parliament, so…can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same thing in your shoes!
Z’NYIEST ST’RLESS (Cont., Caption 2)
I hope you’re ready for the rush of pub that’s gonna be bearing down on you thanks to all this.
17.3: She heads back to her office following the interview, glancing at the other MPs walking in the opposite direction who look on with a mixture of fear and anger given what had happened.
MP BRUNNYA (Caption) You’ve known me long enough to know the answer to that already. Now, about that offer you extended to me before I left…
17.4: We move to her apartment after a long day at work, getting dressed into more casual/religious clothes while on the HV to Zeen.
MP BRUNNYA (Cont.) There’s a bill that got out of committee that some of the members from the more liberal sections of the Alliance have been buzzing about that would be…counter to my holy structures.
17.5: Cut to Zx. St’rless at their office, understanding the gist behind the last sentence of the statement; a cool drink firmly in their right hand as they ponder the next part of the answer.
Okay. Not a personal fan of the idea, but not exactly a shock from when we knew each other.
MP BRUNNYA (Off-Panel, from the comm screen) I’ve seen your clientele, Zeen. You’re not in a position to pass judgment on anyone.
Z’NYIEST ST’RLESS (Bubble 2) It wasn’t a judgment. Just me rambling out loud honestly. I’ll get Financial to set up a running tab, using what you gave us last time with a fake name, in the unlikely case of lookiloos.
(Bubble 2 Off-Panel, from the comm screen)
Cheers. What’s the name?
Page 18
18.1: Rdai flashes an appreciative smile at the request a beat later as she puts on a white top a beat later.
Z’NYIEST ST’RLESS (from the comm) You remember the character from that T&T show when we were youths, the Brundya?
18.2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. We see her knowing glance in response, chuckling with the slightest glint of nostalgia as she speaks.
MP BRUNNYA Clever! So, focusing on the choice of tech, I was thinking something far more blunter this time than with Giahhto. There was an intimidation based one you showed me that seemed intriguing. I can’t remember what it was called…
18.3: Action shot of Zeen a beat later, sliding over to their tablet placed on the opposite corner of the desk; the answer already front of mind as they speak. You can see their cocktail on the desk on the upper left corner of the panel.
Z’NYIEST ST’RLESS The Millnie? I believe that’s still available. Let me double check the inventory a min, just in case…
18.4: Cut to Zx. St’rless typing away on the keyboard a short time later. With each keystroke, you can see little snapshots emanating from the politician’s future in the top area of the panel.
18.5: One showing her shaking hands with the upper echelon of Parliamentary leadership a few years later…
18.6: Another showing MP Brunnya a little older from now at a rally amongst a sea of cheering faces and bodies; the cameras buzzing at her, along with the increase in confidence…
18.7: And another showing her and Prime Chancellor C’Laernak when he was still an MP outside the Superior Court of the Tristellar Alliance shortly before he would make his bid for the Beschuldigig.
CAPALDI (4Meta Caption, just underneath) And after all that biz, that leads us to the present.