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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 8: Part 2.1

Page 7

7.1: Back to Capaldi leaping back into the portal moments after we left him; one eye on the map, and the other on the stream of the satellite’s security drones chasing and shooting back.

CAPALDI (panicky, and slightly relieved) Okay…catch whatever this digital body calls breath. And check the map again.

7.2: Slight close-up on the AI in the portal a short time later, following the map as the idea comes slowly into focus as he speaks.


Nice, nice. Just a couple little shifts to the left, and I’ll be good–

7.3: A pair of laser blasts pop into view, striking Capaldi in the collarbone and eliciting a reaction that is both pained and slightly surprised at the same time.

7.4: The AI glances over at his backpack as he engages in the first of the left turns, sore and ready for revenge.

CAPALDI That’s what pain is…not a fan! After what I’m about to do, you won’t be either ya unthinking little [UNTRANSLATABLE EXPLETIVE]...

7.5: Action shot moments later of a four-point weapon that pops up from the opened backpack as a result of the silent command. You can see little blades appear from each of those aforementioned corners.

7.6: At the end of its journey, a flurry of tiny super sharp blades shoot outward in all directions and creating a sizable explosion that takes out each of the would-be attackers before they could entail damage. You can see the tiny dot representing Capaldi as he moves closer to his destination.

Page 8

8.1: Cut back to Robin in the same place and time we saw her in Page 6, glancing to her left in surprise at the voice coming from the shuttle speaker.


(from the speaker)

You still amongst the living, cute Dragon?


J? What the bloody hells are you doing here?!

LADY JERNIEV (Bubble 2, from the speaker)

Had a hunch you might be in some semblance of trouble. Madam roped me into the plan incognito, told me to go stealth and track ya in case things went warbly.

ROBIN (Bubble 2) No complaints on my end. Any word from Capaldi yet?

8.2: Exterior shot of the Lady’s ship- 3 times larger than Ms. Cartwright’s ride- as it takes in the latter within its tractor beam.


Bupkis, budda. I’ve been keeping crickets from the Boo-Ya! since I’ve been drifting behind ya, so I have no idea any developments. But I’m not worried–he’s a clever AI. I doubt he’s in a great deal of danger.

8.3: Action shot of the two of them walking down a hallway a short time later, shifting the conversation to another important point.

ROBIN Same. How long do we have till we’re in comms range? LADY JERNIEV 20 minuyats.

ROBIN (Bubble 2) Couldn’t this thing go any quicker than that? LADY JERNIEV (Bubble 2) Not without futzing my Stealth sensors, or interrupting the Fxrbbs currently making repairs on your shuttlecraft.

8.4: Lady gives her friend a reassuring pat on the back a few beats later, consoling the sense of sadness that hits the latter given the answer.

LADY JERNIEV (Cont.) On the plus side, at least we won’t be blown to proverbial bits as we wait.

ROBIN (side nod) Fair…

8.5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. They stop walking upon hearing some less than reassuring news from the ship’s AI.

SHIP AI (Off-Panel)

Unknown attack craft located, 200 metros and closing fast.

LADY JERNIEV (groans) Shite–Stupid Jinzzt…!


In case we’re about to be deadzo first, there’s something I think I should tell you–

8.6: Close-up on the pair a beat later, suddenly locking hands in a silent expression of romantic love between the two of them. You can see metaphorical streaks of lightning in their respective fingertips, hammering that point home just a little bit more to the reader.

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