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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 8: Part 2.2

Page 9

9.1: Cut to a similarly framed close-up of Capaldi’s hand showing a similar set of lightning sparks in his hands as we catch up in the middle of his fight that started in Page 7. You can see the swirl of the portal coming on in the background.

CAPALDI (Off-Panel) C’mon, ya pesky little bastard…just a little…closer!

9.2: Action shot of the AI throwing a thunderbolt at the last security drone coming at them, causing a sizable hole right in the middle of it. You can see Capaldi’s backpack is lighter than before, signifying the passage of time as well as the use of stuff inside it.

9.3: Unfortunately, the would-be attacker is able to get off one last blast from its proverbial cannon…

9.4: …piercing our protagonist in the stomach just as they’re about to make the final turn to the right portal to reach their destination.

9.5: He lands through the portal face first onto the unforgiving ground, creating a little cloud of smoke above his body.

9.6: Close-up on Capaldi a short time after that, looking up as an orange and blue glow shines his face from an area directly in front of him.


(bruised, bloodied, and relieved)

Woot t’woot! About…bett’n time!

Page 10

10.1: Back to Robin and Lady J entering the ship’s bridge a short time later, engaged in the middle of a conversation that has been going on since Page 8 over the next step.


Sounds a bit like an EMP back on Earth.


Oh yeah, I remember you telling me about that. Isn’t that the tech that exists more in your movies than in real life?

ROBIN (Bubble 2)


LADY JERNIEV (Bubble 2) There’s some truth there. But overall, it’s a bit of an understatement for what the Pl’sKnny is actually capable of.

10.2: Slight close-up on Jerniev taking more of a lead, and moving toward the center of the bridge; her periphery tilting toward the ceiling as she speaks.


This won’t downright go off on contact with whoever’s charging at us. It’ll latch on to the side, go off after a few segundos, and leave it adrift for a handful of horuts afterward while we get the hells–

ECKSIE (Off-Panel) Unknown attack craft, 100 metros from position.


Thanks for the update, Ecksie buddy. Now, if you please…let loose!

ECKSIE (Bubble 2, Off-Panel) Yes, miy’am!

10.3: Action shot of the Pl’sKnny missile being fired moments later from the front of Jerniev’s ship, creating a single pale white string going from the upper left corner of the panel toward the lower right area…

10.4: …connecting onto the side of the mystery ship a few beats later, and beginning the first waves of a kickback as it does. We don’t see any other detail at this point as to what the sip is or who it belongs to.

10.5: Back to the bridge where Robin and Lady are shaken around and about violently courtesy of the big waves from the previous panel.

10.6: Slight close-up on the pair just after the shaking stops; each side trying to get their proverbial bearings together over the whole situation.

LADY JERNIEV Okay, that reverb should only be a thing if a ship is outfitted with 5th Gen. RotoShields.


Lemme guess, the only kinda ship out there fitted with that kinda kit is–

10.7: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Both of their attentions are tilted toward the screen a short time later at the presence of another voice cutting in from outside.

TA PRIVATE HENNSE (Off-Panel) My name is Private Snetven Hennse, of the TA SkyForce. You’re connected with the Boo-Ya!...right?




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