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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 8: Part 2.3

Page 11

11.1: Meanwhile, as this bit of good news plays out, we see Capaldi scrape and claw on the ground toward the target in question; the sweat and exhaustion hitting a fever pitch compared to when we saw him last.


⅓ Of The Way From The Satellite’s Power Source


[FILTHY EXPLETIVE FROM VULCINTIS-VI]! Seriously?! Ughh, at this pace…I’m gonna be long dead…along with my crew!

11.2: The AI reaches over to the backpack a beat later with a sense of desperation that comes over his face at that moment. In the background off-panel, you can hear a faint buzzing sound coming from the direction of the portal.


(Cont.) Should still…be here…somewhere…GOTCHA!

11.3: Close-up on the pack a short time later with him holding a Bowie knife-sized Trident that he got out between here and the previous panel.

CAPALDI (Cont., Caption) Whoever’s looking…this better bett’n work!

11.4: Action shot of the blade being flung as hard as Capaldi can throw at the source of the engine…

11.5: …subsequently missing by a few feet the tri-section pillar with a set of Rugby football-shaped orbs in the center of each section.

CAPALDI (Off-Panel)


11.6: Action shot of the AI collapsing onto the ground a beat later, seemingly (at least to the reader) giving up the ghost at this point. You can see a faint figure that caused the noise from Panel 2 in the background of the shot, flying closer to our protagonist.


11.7: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. As the object grows a little more in prominence from the background to the foreground, a faint glow starts to appear from Capaldi’s belly.

CAPALDI (thought bubble) Time for one last trick up my sleeve. Sad to see it go…it was pretty flarking fun!

Page 12

12.1: We catch up with Robin in the comm’s station of Lady Jerniev’s ship a short time after we left them in Page 10, reading a stream of photos and classified reports that pops up on a screen below her.


This looks like the real deal–

LADY JERNIEV (interjecting, Off-Panel) –Which you guys are more than capable of pulling off on your ownsie. Part of me needs to know this isn’t a screw job in hiding.

ROBIN (Bubble 2) Then bloody ask the kid!

12.2: Cut to the Lady pacing in front of the chair and looking hard at the screen with one big question most prominent on her mind.

LADY JERNIEV (to the Private)

Before I put any semblance of faith that you’re legit, that you really want to humiliate the Tristellar Alliance on this kinda grand scale- I need convincing this is all legit and not an elaborate plan to take my friends and I out somehow.

12.3: We move to a shot of the soldier calling from a hidden bunker somewhere on O’Julana, reaching into the standard field pouch for something in the middle of the brief pause that follows Jerniev’s statement.

12.4: A few moments later, they pull out a charred blood soaked photograph and show it dead center of the screen; their eyes growing the type of red that comes with a deep, crushing pain.


I got it from one of the houses we were sent to torch. Run the scan through local news feeds…you’ll find everything on the up and up.

12.5: Back to Ms. Cartwright a short time later, shifting to another screen nearby as the news feeds scrolls fast into view.

12.6: A green light pops up in the top left corner of that screen, showing the matching connection just as the Private. As she speaks, you can hear a faint crackle coming from the young human woman’s personal comm.


(glancing back at Lady Jerniev)

They’re telling the truth.


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