The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 8: Part 3.3
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17.1: Cut to Brunnya pacing nervously in front of her desk, racking her brain for another solution out of this situation. You can partly see T’H-Ina on her comm at the same time, scrolling through incoming messages going into the office.
T’H-INA The Prime Chancellor’s Chief of Staff is ringing the main line at presently. Shall I send them to the back of the Message queue, or…?
17.2: Slight close-up on the Vice Chancellor a few beats later, invigorated by an idea that pops into her head.
VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA No, they’ll just trumble up to the flarking office and growl in person. Just–delay it enough for me to gen up a quick response that hopefully will buy us another datum or two.
17.3: T’H-Ina glances over at her boss with a puzzled look as she quickly walks off to a separate part of the office.
With due respect, m’am, I don’t believe there’s a sufficient amount of tiempo that can be mustered that won’t end with us in the Prime Chancellor’s “shite bucket.”
17.4: The veteran politician glances back at her chief of staff/friend as a safe door slides open in the background, revealing to the reader part of some type of mystery weapon.
VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA A fair point, my friend. But all’s not lost. We still have one of their “Royals,” not to mention another bit of info that I’m certain will warm the k’uuklins in his tiny little heart…
17.5: She comes out a few moments later holding a sizable weapon shaped like a long rifle; a look of righteous determination on her face, finishing the rest of her thought.
VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA (Cont.) …the imminent deaths of the bane of the Tristellar Alliance- the Boo-Ya!
Page 18
18.1: As the Vice Chancellor confidently breezes past T’H-Ina toward the exit door, you can see the worry emanating from the issue that comes into the cybernetic android’s mind at that moment.
T’H-INA Okay, boss, this seems a…much less hopeful plan than you’re framing it.
18.2: Action shot on Brunnya a beat after stepping through the door to the hallway, holding the weapon underneath her right arm. You can see her Chief of Staff keeping up in the background to the right.
T’H-INA (Cont.) Particularly the latter portion of it, given that your personal ship is considerably smaller than the Boo-Ya!–
(scoffs, interjecting) C’mon, T. You should know better than to believe I’d use my own finances for something like this!
18.3: We move to a mid-sized spaceship parked in a private hangar outside Parliament a short time later. You can see a soldier standing in salute as the Vice Chancellor approaches, ready to board.
(Cont., Caption) I had a favor lined up and ready to go, regardless of outcome; a fellow believer, desiring to play their role in my ascent to the Divine.
18.4: Close-up on Brunnya lifting the weapon up to the side of the craft as she makes her way to the entrance; a set of connectors appearing at its top in order to lock in with the craft’s telemetry.
VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA (Caption) I trust your skills will keep the office in check. Given the worry on your face, I would understand if you wish to submit your resignation.
T’H-INA (Caption) I’ve been with you since the very beginning, Vice Chancellor.
18.5: Cut to T’H-Ina back in the Parliament hallway, finishing the rest of her earnest reply with a shrug and a touch of nihilism underneath the surface.
Heading to the exit door at this point would be quite illogical, not to mention the fact that–given the terrible employment prospects for synthetic life on TA planets–such would be a financial pitfall.
18.6: Cut to the Vice Chancellor as she pulls away, leaving one last reply before heading off to the lift in the background in the distance.
VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA (slight grin) An oversight that I’ll quickly remedy, once I get the top job.