The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 8: Part 4.3
Page 23
23.1: We move to an interior of the Jumper a beat later, with Robin shooting a surprised glance back at her compatriot for shooting the question off to begin with.
(raised eyebrow) …What?
(explanatory) Given how close the two of you became, I just thought you’d do what ey-arthers love to do with partners: latch on obsessively for dear life.
(Bubble 2)
I could kinda say the same about you, Ness. Especially given your own crush on the Qualg and that swoony Holo fanfic you wrote about xer a little while back.
23.2: Cut briefly to a shot of the program lying in the database of the Boo-Ya!, prior to the battle in question- “A Point of Love to the Gods.”
NESSA (Caption)
How did you find out about–right…bett’n tre-key lock!
23.3: Back to Nessa a beat later, shaking the brief bit of grumble as she goes into an explanatory tone of her own.
NESSA (Cont.)
It’s a bit more complicated than that. It’s partly solidarity with any cat ballsy enough to go against the TA, and partly…more bodies for the Qualg rescue is definitely for the best.
23.4: Ms. Cartwright nods lightly, turning her attention to a side radar screen nearby as she’s about to speak.
ROBIN I gotcha. You aren’t wrong about the need for backup, I’m thinking, given our luck sometimes–
NESSA (Off-Panel) Most times!
ROBIN (Bubble 2) Yeah…
23.5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The young human woman has her full focus on the radar screen a few moments later, tracking the red oval where the coordinates the soldier gave are located.
I hear the sound of engines…that must be the Boo-Ya! coming to pick me up.
Page 24
24.1: The Private, bruised and bloodied after the fight they were in the first time we saw them, moves toward the front entrance of the bunker they’re in that takes them ground level; a long rifle weapon gripped in both hands.
I’m taking this though, just in case it ain’t.
24.2: We see them arrive a short time later, looking around tensely in attack formation for whomever is flying toward the bunker. Off-panel, you can see a BOOM sound effect emanating from the Boo-Ya!’s action against the VC nearby.
24.3: A short time later, the Private catches a glimpse of and shoots at the Jumper blazing directly toward them; a purple burst of photonic energy blasting out of the barrel.
24.4: The Jumper quickly zips away from the would-be round shaped attack, missing it with a very small amount of distance to spare.
ROBIN (from the top of the shuttle) Holy fucking HELLS, dude! It’s the woman you talked to from the Boo-Ya!--Robin!
24.5: We move back to the Private a few moments later, looking down at their comm as the rest of the message is screamed their way from the same private frequency the soldier used to seek out help.
ROBIN (Cont., from the Private’s comm)
Drop the stupid boom stick! We’re here to fucking rescue you…!
TA PRIVATE (apologetic) Sorry. Just a smidge paranoid, given the datum I’ve had. You can land over there…
Rest in Power 4Meta…!