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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 9: Part 2.1

Page 7

7.1: Back on the Jumper, we see Robin and Nessa and the Private look on at the tail end of their journey to the compound. You can see Nessa already pondering the next steps in her head as she begins the landing procedure.


The Mercs defenses are a little more livelier than we figured. Okay, we can work with that. The ship’s cloak should keep us from triggering it, right? NESSA

Should be, yeah. Stahl’s designs there should be good enough to get us outta the big danger.

7.2: Close-up on Nessa at the helm a beat later, switching her focus to the tiny radar component placed just underneath the wheel.

NESSA (Cont.)

There’s a plot of land just outside the grid nord of here. Let’s groove in for a landing, and then we–

7.3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The previous calm on her face switches on a dime to shock and tension as a series of red dots start to converge from the defense grid toward the ship.

NESSA (yelling) SHITTEE!

TA PRIVATE (Off-Panel) Thought you said your cloak would work. NESSA (Bubble 2)

I did say, “should” dudo. Now, shut yer trap and–BRACEE!

7.4: Though able to miss the first one, the other pair of missiles connects to the base of the craft and sends it tailspinning…

7.5: …down to the ground. You can see by the way the ship tries to straighten itself out as it goes how much Nessa is putting in the work to keep the plane from crashing into a fiery ball of flames.

7.6: We see the somewhat successful fruits of that labor a short time later, a little ways from the location she spotted. You can see chunks of grass and dirt as well as the occasional metal part shooting off in each direction thanks to the crash landing.

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8.1: Pulling out from the wreckage of the ship a short time later, we see Robin and Nessa and their would-be whistleblower reappear via the emergency ‘port shaken and somewhat bruised by the encounter. As for the Private, there is one understandable reaction to the whole thing.


8.2: Ms. Cartwright, standing the nearest to the soldier, slaps him hard in the back of the shoulder blade hard enough to stop their frightened burst.

8.3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel, taken a few beats later. The TA Private, sore after the aforementioned slap, begins to calm back down again.

ROBIN (sighs) Dudo, why with the screaming? Haven’t you been in a cruiser before?

TA PRIVATE (apologetic, to Robin) Kind of, yeah. But this…it’s the first time I’ve ever been in an air crash. Got spooked!

ROBIN (understanding, Bubble 2)

Really? Okay. I–I get it, mate. A little bit. Just tone the freaking screaming down next time, yeah?

TA PRIVATE (Bubble 2)

Gotcha, mans. On a separate note, you pack a hells of a sizable punch for a hu-mahn. From the little I know of your planet, I didn’t know that was possible.

ROBIN (Bubble 3) Thanks. Just got a little twitchy with that squeaking you got when you screamed…

8.4: Nessa jumps into the conversation, noticing something perilous about to go down in the off-panel left area; her hand hovering toward her weapon in preparation for the danger to come.

NESSA Clam up and mount up, guys. I think the goons are about to come our way…

8.5: We move to a shot of the compound as a small contingent of a half-dozen mercs head out, armed and with jet packs toward the area where the crash was tracked.

8.6: The Merc head keeps track of the situation from their office at the same time when there’s a ring from their comm.


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