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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 9: Part 3.1

Page 13

13.1: A two-part set of panels that follows the same setting and layout as the last panel of the previous page. There are a little more sounds of fighting and commotion from outside the door, with the same lack of idea over what’s happening or what caused it.

13.2: Then, in the second part, the noise hits its respective crescendo with a big BOOM! that shakes the limited view of the room.

13.3: Cut to the source of that boom- Nessa slowly emerging from the side of a wall that she was slammed into with the force of a sizable punch, one of many as evident by the bruises and patches of blood down her face.

NESSA Not bad for a scum sucking Teroach who should be with xer beloved Eye. I don’t get why you’re still fighting like there’s a win here. Your perfect little antiseptic “utopia” just got a sizable black eye, thanks in part to us. Not to mention what the Julies are doing to your precious–

VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA (interjecting, Off-Panel) You’ve already answered your own question, Pirate!

13.4: Nessa charges back at the Vice Chancellor moments later; the latter armed up with a sizable gauntlet over her right arm, which in a previous incarnation was the gun chamber on her ship. You can see the veteran politician physically in the same level of scars and blood and bruised bones as before.



If O’Julana doesn’t want to live under the glory and eternal blessings of the Alliance and the Eye, let it be forever marred in darkness forever. Starting with you and your cursed teammates.

13.5: Action shot of Brunnya taking a pair of sizable punches from our protagonist while still going in with the same energy and passion as the previous panel.



I may lose my job, but the sweet rush of ending you once and for all, along with a cursed monarchy…

13.6: After the last of the series of punches from the previous panel, we see the veteran politician rare back with a more than sizable response that looks to top what Nessa has brought up to this point.


That’s more than worth it, even if I don’t land…

13.7: She unleashes the punch a few beats later, piercing our protagonist in the belly and sending her sprawling forcefully backwards.



…the killing blow!

Page 14

14.1: VC Brunnya stands over Nessa’s body a few moments later, taking one last look at her fallen opponent before the crackle of her teleporter takes her away from the scene to a ship that arrived in the middle of the fight.


Goodbye, you waste of meat and bone.

14.2: Cut to a shot of the bomb hidden deep underneath the compound at the same time this is going on; the countdown reading a little under 3 hours before it would explode.

VICE CHANCELLOR BRUNNYA (Cont., Caption) Hopefully the next existence for you and yours will prove more…bountiful than this one.

14.3: We move back to a shot of Nessa’s unconscious body a short time later in the same area that we left her in Panel 1, sans the escaped veteran politician.

14.4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. A short time after the aforementioned Panel 3, we see Qualg Gray in the distance of the shot, noticing our protagonist’s body for the first time.


14.5: The monarch gets Nessa back up on her feet and begins to evacuate her out of the building; her focus split between the walkway and our protagonist’s body as it slowly inhales and exhales air.


You’re breathing…praise Di!

NESSA (weakly) Haha…bett’n! I was…hoping to sa—save you, your Magnificence!

QUALG GRAY (Bubble 2)

We can save it for the next life threatening scenario I find myself in. Where’s your ride, if I may ask?

NESSA (Bubble 2) I–

14.6: Gray stops and looks down a short time later as a holographic radar image pops up from her comm, showing a pair of dots in the top half as well as a growing sea of red in the lower half.

QUALG GRAY Ah, that answers the first question. Let’s see if…

(Bubble 2) Oh no.


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