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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 9: Part 3.2

Page 15

15.1: Cut to a shot of the radar screen, especially the lower half; the red that was visible there growing in prominence, with a single message caption that reads- “WARNING- INSTABILITY DANGER.”

NESSA (Off-Panel) There isn’t a chance that shaking’s some top secret weapon of yours going off, maybe…

QUALG GRAY (Off-Panel) No. It is not.


(Bubble 2, Off-Panel)

Yeah, figured that!

15.2: Back to the Qualg a few moments later, shifting her gaze toward our protagonist with an important question front of mind; the screen gone as her wrist goes back down to her side.

QUALG GRAY Are you well enough to access your ship’s emergency ‘port? NESSA (scoffs) ‘Course I am. The problem is, I’m not sure if this thing rumbling is belching any energy that might futz with the targeting grid. Maybe your peeps have similar tech that could…

QUALG GRAY (Bubble 2)

You think we even have that capacity, especially now–

15.3: Her train of thought is interrupted a split second later by a chunk of ceiling dropping down, which the pair are able to escape without a great deal of injury.

15.4: The two of them break apart for the first time moments later. Nessa is standing in the panel left area, gathering as much strength as possible while clutching the wound in her left hand.

NESSA Screw it! I don’t know if my friends are nearby, but I do know I’m not dying in the middle of a votbett’n mountain…

15.5: We catch up with Nessa and the Qualg a short time later, just as the countdown nears ever closer to zero. You can see a sense of frustration creep on our protagonist’s face alongside the sweat and pain of the wound, scrolling through the Boo-Ya!’s respective frequencies to get in touch.

NESSA Come the hells on…pick up! No way she’s that flarking busy to answer.

15.6: Suddenly, another sizable hole emerges from the ceiling, seemingly coming down on the pair of them in a treacherous fashion. You can see a pool of yellow light from outside beginning to rush in from outside, along with a little bit of smoke that doesn’t spark from the aforementioned damage.

Page 16

16.1: From the rush of light, we move to a shot of the Boo-Ya!’s transporter room a short time later. Gray glances over to a point directly in front of her, partly surprised and pleased at the blessed fortune that befell the two of them


(Off-Panel) Your Magnificence…what an honor!

16.2: We move to a shot of the pair of clones manning the teleporter console, greeting ⅓ of the Triarchy with equal amounts of reverence. You can see the back of the Qualg’s head in the center of the shot as she gets to her feet, as well as part of Nessa as she hauls her back upward.

QUALG GRAY Many happy thanks for your assistance…


Dyio. Airperson Dyio Petro.

QUALG GRAY (Bubble 2)

Airperson Petro. I’ve never met someone with Cincdrox before.


I don’t really make a habit of showing it off in public, unless it–

16.3: Clone #2 notices Nessa’s wound for the first time, quickly resulting in their shift of thought toward their friend.

DY CLONE #2 (Cont.) Oh Gods, what happened?

QUALG GRAY Not sure. I found her like this in front of my cell, beaten up rather badly…

NESSA (groans) Get me to the votbett’n Med-Bay, someone!

DY CLONE #2 (Bubble 2) On it…!

16.4: The other clone quickly guides our protagonist out of the room toward the aforementioned Med-Bay, leaving Clone #1 and the Qualg alone for a brief bit of time.

QUALG GRAY I should go to her side as she recuperates, make sure she comes through well.


Understandable vibe, Your Magnificence. But your attention is more urgently needed with an imminently pressing matter at the capital.

QUALG GRAY (Bubble 2)

What’s the issue?

16.5: We move to a shot of the Qualg on the Bridge a short time later, watching the footage in question play out on the main screen with a composed face that belies a great deal of anger hidden inside. In the lower right corner of the panel is what the Triarch is seeing- a chaotic scene in the capital Diannon involving TA soldiers and locals.

STAEHLIA There is an open plot three and one-half metros from the palace we can land. You can use the subterfuge to ‘port down and have you address the crowd, calm them down.

QUALG GRAY A solid idea, my young genius friend. But I was thinking of taking a page from your script and craft something on the spot.

16.6: Close-up on the Madam at the captain’s chair, both pleasantly surprised and intrigued by the development.



Okay…what’d you have in mind, Your Magnificence?


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