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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 9: Part 3.3

Page 17

17.1: Cut to a shot of the front of the palace moments later; smoke rising from the distance in the panel right direction emanating from separate explosions that occurred between here and the end of the previous page. You can see one of the TA soldiers raring to fire on a crowd of protesters just when…


(booming, from an invisible speaker)

I have a message for the Tristellar Alliance, and the dregs of existence who take their ched: You have besmirched my planet and my people for far too long…

17.2: Slight close-up onto the front entrance of the palace where Qualg Gray materializes a beat later, with a microphone that extends from her comm to her mouth that helps boom their voice to the thousands there.


Get back in your ships and step away from my home while you still can, or face catastrophe!

17.3: The soldier raises their weapon from the kid in Panel 1 back to the Qualg, perturbed by the command and a half smirk that denotes the sense of superiority they have at that point in time.


We have you vastly outnumbered. What “catastrophe” could you possibly hit at us?

17.4: A two-part set of panels that starts with the Triarch typing something in quickly to her comm, hardly flinching away from her defiant tone that we saw at the start of the page.

17.5: In the second part, with her hands back at her side, she widely grins as doors and mechanical apparatuses move into position off-panel in the upper section.



17.6: Action shot of a flurry of lasers raining down on the Alliance soldiers from the sizable cannons hidden in the palace ceiling. Some of them can be seen causing damage while others either miss or are absorbed by personal shielding from different TA soldiers. You can also see some of the locals cheering profusely at the development, chanting “Qualg Gray! Qual Gray! Qualg Gray!...”

NESSA (Caption) Bit weird leaving them like this without a definite victory for the O’Julanans.

MADAM (Caption) I know. But, timing wise, it feels right to get back to our own biz.

NESSA (Caption 2) You think they’ll win?

MADAM (Caption 2)

…Ultimately, yeah.

Page 18

18.1: Back to the good crew on the bridge of the Boo-Ya! as they’re flying toward the drop location a short time later, focused specifically on Nessa and the Madam continuing on the chat they started at the end of the previous page.



It’ll likely take a hells of a long tiempo to get to that outcome. The Alliance are more than likely to try to burn a place to the flarking ground than turn tail and admit they’ve been beaten. But with these Julies, the way they’ve been fighting all these monats…it’s a simple matter of “when.” NESSA (agreeing nod, slightly prying)

Aye. Would’ve been nice to drop my comm number to Qualg Gray before leaving though.

MADAM (Bubble 2) Fair point. But that’s why the goddesses invented the bett’n Jumper. Besides, I need a drink and some DDS back in the Outlook in the worst flarking way.

18.2: The good cap’n turns her attention to Staehlia seated at her usual station at the bridge, checking out Robin’s signal from ground level.

MADAM (Cont.)

Robbo finish dropping off the snitching soldier boy?

STAEHLIA Just did, from what I can surmise. She is about a half-dohzeen minuyats from reaching the extraction point.

MADAM (Bubble 2) I can sniff a little worry in that voice of yours, Stahl. What’s up?

18.3: Cut to a shot of Ms. Cartwright as this goes on, walking in a busy plaza after the hand-off and taking in the scenery as carefully as possible. You can see some locals in the area barely paying the young human woman much attention as she passes them by.

STAEHLIA (Caption)

I’ve been picking up some interference hovering around her signal since she touched down on the planetoid. The intensity has had a wavular quality since we hit orbit, but its peaks have been steadily sharp with each passing segundo.

MADAM (Caption) Probably just whatever radiation bubbling up from the surface messing with us. I wouldn’t pay a great deal of mind to it…

18.4: Unbeknownst to her, spying on the Private from the window of an unknown building as she left to the extraction point, is a mysterious figure dressed in fresh SkyForce fatigues; their binoculars gripped in the right hand, and dropping to their side.

MADAM (Cont., Caption)

Cap, fire up the Transporters once you get the word from Robin. And get us out to warp the mo she’s back onboard.

18.5: The spy heads to the bed a few moments later where a sizable looking two-barreled bazooka is waiting with the barrels sticking in the upstage direction. You can see their left hand reaching over to grab the handle.

18.6: They return with the weapon in hand a short time after that, aiming the powerful looking weapon through the opened window; their finger nearing the trigger, ready to…


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