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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 9: Part 4.1

Page 19

19.1: …set the entire plaza alight in a massive explosion moments later.



Can’t say we won’t miss you and your…unique skill set on my ship, but I get it.

19.2: We move to a little later on as the crew bid goodbye to Dyio Petro in a bar over a sizable round of drinks. You can see a smattering of other peeps of “ill repute” in the background of the shot, drinking and laughing and (on occasion) fighting.

MADAM (Cont.)

There’s still work to do and Alliance arse to beat to the ground before you think about before thinking about any semblance of a “normal” future.


You ever need an assist, you know where to ring us.

DYIO PETRO (nods) Of course…!

19.3: Dyio sets their focus to Ms. Cartwright, shifting the conversation to another area that elicits some blushed cheeks from the young human woman.


By the by, human Robin, I talked with your Lady J before we got here. She’s excited for your guys’ first date on Satyiem. She showed me the outline for the Holoprogram she’s using and…you’re gonna need every bit of that uber durable frame!

ROBIN (shyly) Nice…!

19.4: As Airperson chuckles a beat later, we see the faces of the other shipmates looking over at Robin with pleasant surprise at the new bit of news they’re hearing.

MADAM I know you guys had the proverbial feels for one another, but didn’t know y’all made it official…congrats! That explains the uber light feeling you had when ya got back from the Jumper.

ROBIN (deeper red blush) Yeah…th–thanks!

NESSA I didn’t know all this was going down. I need details how this first percolated, straight the hells away…

19.5: Cut to a shot of Staehlia as the conversation goes into full gear, nursing their proverbial mocktail placed directly in front of them. The genius glances over in the off-panel left direction as if sparked by an idea that comes to mind.

ROBIN (Off-Panel) Um, well…it started my first day in the 52-K. I had that stomach thing the night before, and I got nervous it would–

Page 20

20.1: We follow Staehlia a short time later, standing in front of a jukebox that towers over them by just under a foot. They quickly skim over the song display visible in the center of the device.

20.2: The genius spots the song in question a few moments later; a little glint of a smile comes over their face at the same time.

20.3: Action shot of Staehlia reaching into their pocket for some spare change to get their song to play. You can see a handful of customers moving by in the foreground of the shot, shadowing our protagonist slightly.

DYIO PETRO (Caption) Where’d the brainy one run off to?

20.4: Back to Madam and company at the table moments later; the spirit just starting to shift toward heading to the exit.

DYIO PETRO (Cont., looking around) Don’t tell me there’s another bett’n cockup on that ship of yours.

MADAM (shakes her head, reaching for her glass) Probably just went to the loo. I think we can start the send-off toast now…

20.5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The opening melody of the song starts playing from the speakers; the attention of a couple of the crew members moves to the off-panel left direction when…

STAEHLIA (Off-Panel) Apologies for slipping out. I remember hearing the song during one of your holiday celebrations early on in the war. I was hopeful it would show up on the jukebox.

20.6: …Staehlia arrives a handful of steps from her chair at the table, reaching out to pull it as they finish the explanation.

STAEHLIA (Cont.) As Robin is wont to say sometimes, “We got lucky!”


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