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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 9: Part 4.2

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21.1: As the song plays on moments later, you can see the energy perk up to a playful level. Aiperson Petro raises their glass upward toward the center of the table, followed by Nessa, beginning the ritual.


Alright, ladies and enby- let’s see if you can catch up…!

(singing, Bubble 2) In the dats of old

When courage and hope ‘twere lacking

Came three souls

With their Vjjear in tow–

ROBIN (interjecting) Wait!

21.2: Slight close-up on Ms. Cartwright a beat later, chiming in with a puzzled look on her face and sporting the type of energy of someone trying not to accidentally fly off the roller coaster when it gets to full speed.

ROBIN (Cont.) That pace is so fast. How exactly are we–and by “we,” I mean me– supposed to keep up with something that sounds like if Twista was hit with the bloody Speed Force?

STAEHLIA (Off-Panel) You are not alone in that query, my friendo. I have an idea that should help…

21.3: We see Staehlia a few moments later place an oval-shaped metal disc into the center of the table, and press a tiny button on the side of it at the same time.

21.4: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. From the center of the disc, a few beats later, a holographic display of the song’s lyrics pop up in full view of the others: “And in the light/Of the twin suns/Came the battle cry…”


(impressed) A souped-up Vocco- nifty hack, Staehlia.

STAEHLIA (quick nod) Thank you.

DYIO PETRO (Bubble 2)

Now, once more with some bett’n gusto…

21.5: Cut to three weeks later where we see Capaldi running up the hallway of the Boo-Ya! holding a metal case in his left hand, barking in the direction of a familiar voice from the ship’s speakers.

Caption Three Weeks Later

CAPALDI I thought you said things had settled well in terms of her physiology, especially since she hasn’t done the freaky fainting thing in awhile.

STAEHLIA (from the speakers) I did. It has nothing to do with the compound Robin took. This is a development that has arisen over the past few datums.

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22.1: Back to Staehlia in front of their lab a beat later, looking at recent X-ray data from moments earlier; a concerned and deeply ponderous look on their face as they’re skimming. You can hear the sounds of moaning from off-panel left coming from the young human woman as if she’s in a considerable amount of pain.


(thought bubble)

One that is both intriguing and mildly distressing!

ROBIN (Off-Panel) Stahl…?

22.2: Cut to Robin on the bed, with her face bathed in sweat along with the top half of the bod that can be seen in the panel view. You can also see the bones in her face start shifting and rearranging themselves, along with her collarbones amidst the chaos.


(Cont., highly in pain)

Tell me you’ve got a way to fix this…or some…really great painkillers you’ve been holding out on till now!

22.3: Action shot of the genius placing their wrist back to their side, taking the image from Panel 1 at the same time.

STAEHLIA (their version of reassuring)

I do not have any of that. But I do have a potential fix I have been experimenting with which should, potentially, cease the pain and stabilize the body.

ROBIN (Off-Panel) Potentially?! STAEHLIA (Bubble 2) There is a distinct possibility that this is the final piece of the transformation your body has been taking on all these monats.

22.4: Ms. Cartwright squints with annoyance mixed with curiosity for more details; all taking place in a brief, non-painful moment for her.

ROBIN Writhing pain or…me entering my full Amazon state. How confident are you of this “potential fix,” whichever way it–it goes?

22.5: Same setting/layout as Panel 3. Staehlia lifts an eyebrow and fires back at their compatriot; Robin’s body partly visible in the lower half of the panel. As they speak, the sound of the lab doors can be heard from off-panel right opening.

STAEHLIA A half-and-half delineation. On the plus side, it is not like you have a great deal of other options at the moment. So, the potential for painful regret is very small.

ROBIN Fair point…I guess? Allons-y!

22.6: Action shot of the genius and Capaldi exchanging the metal case that the latter has been hauling all this time.


(grateful nod) Lovely timing into the situation, Cap…

CAPALDI Where do you want me?


(Bubble 2)

Opposite side of the bed should be sufficient.


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