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The Boo-Ya!, Season 2- Issue 9: Part 4.3

Page 23

23.1: It starts out with Staehlia a few moments later, taking out a vial of green liquid from the case as they walk back in Robin’s direction. You can see the injector placed on the opposite side, untouched at the present moment.

23.2: A short time later, a handful of steps from the bed and now holding the injector, we see them connect the vial to the opened base in preparation for the procedure to start.

23.3: We move to a shot of them and Capaldi at the bed, reaching out with their free left hand to grab Robin’s wrist.

CAPALDI (glancing at a view screen off-panel)

Vitals are stable-ish, with a few mins to spare before her skin density might become trouble.

STAEHLIA Perfect timing. And hopefully an omen for an equally perfect outcome.

23.4: Action shot of Staehlia injecting the liquid into Ms. Cartwright’s arm, eliciting a quick GAGH! from the young human woman amidst it all.

23.5: A two-part set of panels that focuses squarely on Staehlia and Capaldi, watching nervously to see what kind of reaction their friend has to the procedure. There’s a smattering of noise from off-panel at this point. Then…

23.6: …in the second part, the commotion comes to a complete stop. Our two protagonists look on, exchanging side glances over the unseen end results.

CAPALDI My medical data banks aren’t that deep. But I’m pretty sure uneventful’s a good sign in something like this.

STAEHLIA Usually, yes. But I would need to engage in another full-body scan just to make sure it happens to be deeper than what we…

ROBIN (Off-Panel) The fix worked, Stahl- kind of. It did help the pain, but the stabilizing…I think that was all me somehow.

Page 24

24.1: Robin pushes herself up on the bed toward a more seated position, revealing to the reader her more alien unisex facial structure with now light purple eyes; her skin a mixture of pink and purple, and her muscular physique now a mix between Kingpin and the Hulk.

ROBIN (Cont., feeling her face for the first time)

Holy crap! Is it just me or do I feel taller than I…?

24.2: She looks over at Staehlia with a hurried, tensely anxious look on her face as she senses for the first time deep in her gut the massive change that’s just occurred.

ROBIN (reaching out quickly) Give me a mirror, now!

24.3: The young human woman looks at the mirror given to her, amazed at the beauty at the end of the level of pain.

ROBIN (mouth agape) By bloody Diana…I look fucking stunning–!

LADY JERNIEV (Caption) My thoughts exactly!

24.4: Cut to a shot of Robin and Jerniev in the holodeck later that night; the latter looking over the former’s body with the same love and joy and amazement that we saw from Ms. Cartwright in the previous panel.

LADY JERNIEV (Cont.) Not that I didn’t think you weren’t beautiful already, of course. But this new form is–stunning.

ROBIN (blushed grin) Thanks…

24.5: The two share a sweet kiss a beat later. It’s followed a short time after that…

24.6: …by the two of them shifting back to date; the background starts to shift to the location of their next date as they speak.


I was thinking we could play a game or two of Schuulnev, make sure you get an idea of the rules before going into the Strip Schuulnev.



I’m a bit of a quick study…just so ya know.


I’ll keep that in mind!

24.7: We move to a shot of a holographic Schuulnev track that materialized moments later. You can see Robin and Lady J exchanging flirty winks as they move toward their respective rides at the start of the game.



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