The Community, Issue 10: Part 1.2
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Panel 1: Action shot of Walsh walking over to the phone; the last of the holographic players just beginning to disappear from the court as he speaks.
(Cont., to Phone) Play the Dyson one first.
Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. He stops, looking at a reverse video image of a bald man with a goatee in a nice suit.
(to Walsh) Mr. Walsh, this is Rich Dyson over at New Rome. We just finished the border defense systems. PR and Administrative are in agreement: we're ready to take the city public. Call me back once you get this.
(half-grin) Delightful. Send a note to my comms team to begin formulating my speech.
(Off-Panel, to Walsh) Yes, sir. Play the second message.
Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The second message pops up on the holographic screen; an E-Mail report from ODIE, the Sentry's automated data entry feature, highlighting what we saw earlier.
(stern growl) Ah, Jes...I tried to be diplomatic. Tried to give you and your motley crue a perfect way out. But you couldn't accept it, could you?
Panel 4: He walks off the court a few minutes later; the towel in his left hand, wiping off part of his face. You can see the phone gripped in his right hand at the same moment.
(Cont., planning) Phone Dr. Lazov at Adaptive Biological. She's been at me for a green light on her...little project.
Panel 5: Cut to a shot of Amelia back in Brazil, tinkering away at something in her apartment; her head bopping about to the music from her phone.
(Cont., Walsh)
"Time to see it in ac."
Panel 6: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The phone rings a few moments later, interrupting the young woman's focused head bopping.
Page 237
Panel 1: She answers after a few rings, standing up from her work desk; a smile upon her lips, recognizing who had called her.
(to Marta, translated from Portuguese) Hey Marta, I thought you weren't coming back till tomorrow.
(from the receiver, to Amelia; translated from Portuguese) I am. But I wanted your help on an...assist for Celia.
(Bubble 2) Homegirl seemed in good spirits when I saw her, and the thing in Vegas ended up brilliantly.
Panel 2: Cut to a shot of Marta on the street somewhere in the late afternoon. You can see a section of the blue skies in the background behind her head.
(agreeing nod, touched with worry) I know. But the group she's running with, all the adventures she's talked long do you think that luck's gonna last?
Panel 3: Back to a shot of Amelia from the POV of Marta's phone. She glances over down and to the right in a brief period of thought.
Good point. I've still got access to Yo-Yo's program. I could piece something together--what "assist" were you thinking?
Panel 4: We move to a similarly framed shot of Marta as Panel 2. As she speaks, you can see more hope rather than concrete plan hidden within her words.
Anything that can keep our girl upright for whatever might pop up next. The Bruja backing up her is good and all, as is Cee of course. But I--
Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. As the woman's finishing the rest of her statement, you can see the picture suddenly get distorted and crackily.
Panel 6: Action shot of Amelia back in her apartment, taking a few paces away from her desk; her eyes pointedly focused on the still frozen and staticky signal.
(worried) Marta, you still there?Marta!