The Community, Issue 10: Part 1.3
Page 238
Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. A few moments pass, and her mood has calmed again; the signal returning to normal.
(from the phone, to Amelia; translated from Portuguese) You hear me now?
(nods, to Marta; translated from Portuguese) Loud and clear...gave me a damn heart attack for a minute!
(Bubble 2) Sorry. Must have been a bug in the Wi-Fi.
(Bubble 2) Must have...
PAnel 2: Cut to a shot of Marta back from the phone screen POV from before. Her face is a balance between seriousness and ease.
(reiterating) Anyway, text me whenever you've got an idea and we'll go from there.
Panel 3: A two-part set of panels that moves back to Amelia; the setting and layout similar to Panel 1. She nods and flashes a bit of a half-grin to her friend.
Will do. See you tomorrow, boss...
Panel 4: In the second part, she looks over moments later to her laptop off-panel; the grin gone from her face. You can see the top of her phone in hand in the bottom corner of the panel view.
(Cont., thought bubble) I didn't wanna say it in front of her, but...
Panel 5: Action shot of the young woman minutes later on her laptop, going through Yo-Yo's program as promised. You can see the same intensity as before.
(Cont., Amelia)
"My gut's telling me that was more than a FaceTime glitch."
Page 239
Panel 1: At about the same time, miles away from this scene, a large human-sized cylinder drops from the sky and lands on the sidewalk.
Panel 2: A two- part set of panels; the same setting/layout as the previous panel. The cylinder has transformed into a single platform, revealing a tall pale white man dressed in body armor; lean muscles populating his frame.
Panel 3: In the second part, the nameless assassin grabs hold of the platform disc with its left hand; a red dot blinking from the middle part of it. In the distance, you can see the front of a car driving to the position.
Panel 4: From the disc, a holographic screen pops up; the main objective- "Kidnap Amelia"- placed at the top of it. On the bottom, you can see her address and picture.
(from the disc, to Prime) No harm must be given to the young woman, unless instructed by Mr. Walsh.
Panel 5: Slight close-up on Prime's face, hearing the rest of the command; a slight nod the only response he provides.
(Cont., Off-Panel) Are we clear, Prime?
(Bubble 2) Good...
Panel 6: Action shot of Prime walking off down the sidewalk a few moments later; the disc floating behind his back, just beginning to form into a backpack.
(Cont., Robotic Voice)
"Mr. Walsh wanted to add one last thing: Happy hunting!"