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The Community, Issue 10: Part 4.1

Page 252 Panel 1: Action shot of the two of them moments later, bursting through the door action movie style. You can see bits of wood sprayed out on all sides of the panel.

Panel 2: Cut to a shot of Prime walking into the front lobby area of a former office building; a wide smile over his face.


El Dedo Medio...and the Rainbow- an honor to meet at last.

Panel 3: We move to a shot of Winnie and Celia on the other side, getting themselves set into a fighting pose.


(hushed, to herself) I knew "The Rainbow" would catch on!


(forceful, to Prime) Enough with the fake ass pleasantries, you creepy rego do cu...!


(Bubble 2, groans; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 1)

Yara ******* help me...Where's Amelia?!

Panel 4: Back to Prime in the same setting/layout as Panel 2. He boastfully gives the answer, confident in his coming success.


(correcting, to Celia reacting to her line in Panel 3) My name is not asshole. My name is Prime.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Celia's 2nd line in Panel 3) Eighth room, on the eighth floor. The better question is whether the two of you will see it.

Panel 5: Slight close-up on Celia, scoffing at the show of bravado at the challenger; a wide grin coming over her face.


(to Prime) Dude, get off yourself. We've taken down plenty of're not that different!

Panel 6: Action shot of her moments later coming in with a massive, armor coated uppercut to begin the battle. One that Prime expertly avoids with a perfectly framed backflip.

Page 253

Panel 1: A few seconds later, Prime lands on the opposite side of her with the same smirk as before; his physical appearance growing more buff to adapt to the situation. In the background, you can see Winnie a split second away from zipping into the scene


(cocky, to Celia)

You were saying?

Panel 2: A three-part set of panels that follows the fight between the three of them over the course of a short period of time. In the first part, Celia and Prime exchange punches and kicks that hit at both of them.

Panel 3: In the second part, we see Winnie joining in a short time later to help her friend, among other battle shots similar to the previous panel; the antagonist countering her super fast blows with ease, even as Celia gets a good jab to his midsection.

Panel 4: In the third part, Celia and Prime come back near the tail end of the fight; both bruised and bloodied, but still with more than enough inside to continue the fight. Off-panel left, unbeknownst to them, you can hear a revving sound.

Panel 5: Outward layout of the building; Winnie's lightning flash zipping up the course of the building as her friend and the mysterious Prime continued fighting.


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