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The Community, Issue 11: Part 1.3

Page 262 Panel 1: Back to a shot of Winnie a moment later; the setting and layout similar to Panel 6 of the previous page.


(surprised, to Jesminder) What makes you think that?


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 1) That could mean a lot of things- old Human Torch fanfic, for example

Panel 2: We move back to Ms. Borah a moment later, responding with a degree of certitude in terms of her original theory.


(explanatory, to Winnie) There's a folder on the desktop called "The First Fire" listed right underneath the main Nuevo Roma folder.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 1, Bubble 2) Maybe. But I'd rather not place our faith on coincidence actually making an appearance.

Panel 3: We move to a shot of Celia and Amelia on the couch reacting with surprise to the bit of news from Jes. You can see Yo-Yo still on the line on Amelia's phone.


(agreeing, to Winnie) Agreed. Yo-Yo, any way to clear things up...?


(from the screen, to Celia) Already working on it...!

Panel 4: We move to a shot of the screen moments later, showing the enterprising hacker clicking and scrolling from her end on the file in question.


(Cont.) All I'm seeing is chat logs from fascist fanboys grumbling about you guys and anyone who isn't white or cis or male. There's also some stuff praising the "martyrs" from...

Panel 5: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. She stops scrolling a beat later upon discovering a big piece of evidence.


Crap. Bosso's right- they're planning an attack. Multiple attacks, actually.


(Off-Panel) Where?

Panel 6: Cut to an exterior shot of the Sacramento State University campus at the early morning, though not connected to the general action of the scene.


(Cont., Yo-Yo)

"One of the places is Sacramento State University."

Page 263

Panel 1: We move back to a shot of Ms. Borah in the room; the setting and layout similar to Panel 2. She immediately snaps into planning mode upon hearing the news.


(concerned) We need to loop Seanna into this, make sure they're ready. Maybe inform us on what this part of the threat looks like.

Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. Before she's able to put this plan into motion, there's the sound of the room door opening and a pair of footsteps moving toward them.


(Off-Panel, to the group) Hi, umm...sorry to interrupt.

Panel 3: Cut to a shot of Anna standing in the doorway, addressing the entire group at that moment. In the background, you can see the hallway bathed in darkness with only a little shade of sun hitting it.


(Cont.) Any idea why the power's out in the apartment?

Panel 4: A short time later, we see Jes in the middle of the living room, looking over a magical display of the electrical grid in the entire building.


(carefully examining) The power drain's not just in your apartment. It looks the power to your entire floor was affected.

Panel 5: In another part of the room, Celia bamfs back into the room after her brief search of the area outside of the apartment.


Just checked out the market across the street. Power's on there.

Panel 6: Action shot of Anna taking a few steps to Ms. Borah back in the living room with a look of incredulity on her face as she speaks.


(wanting an answer, to Jesminder) Okay. Still doesn't answer why the hell the power's out?!


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