The Community, Issue 11: Part 2.3
Page 268 Panel 1: We move back to Seanna in the classroom as this goes on. In the first part, they're panicked by the development, trying to keep the drone upright.
(thought bubble) Frack, frack, frack...lucky shot!
Panel 2: Cut back to the damaged drone in the sky; the setting and layout similar to Panel 6 of the previous page. You can see one of the barrels firing one of its remaining darts at the shooter.
(Cont., Seanna thought bubble)
"C'mon gun...just need one last shot."
Panel 3: A two-part set of panels that sees the gunman expertly duck the dart as it strikes through part of the top soil. You can see a section of the front entrance to one of the buildings in the background.
Panel 4: In the second part, just as he's about to fire back, a metal arm stretches out from off-panel left to sock the attacker squarely in the jaw with an uppercut.
Panel 5: We shift a little over to the side to see Celia waving over at Watkins with a big smile on her face; the layout of the scene made to look like Seanna's phone screen.
(to Seanna) Surprised you didn't go for a proper cyborg.
Panel 6: Back to a shot of the young person a beat later, waving back at their friend with an equally cordial smile on their face.
(chuckles, to Celia) I was trying to avoid a big honking crater in the middle of campus.
(from the screen, Off-Panel) Makes sense. Hopefully it'll carry on to the other attack sites, though I--
Page 269
Panel 1: Action shot of Celia and Seanna just outside of campus minutes later, walking alongside a sidewalk in the middle of a nice conversation. You can see the scene on the whole start to dim as late afternoon moves to early evening.
(confused, and curious; to Celia) "Other attack sites?"
(explanatory, to Seanna) Yeah. Sacramento State is just half of the picture on that front.
(Bubble 2) Where's the other half
Panel 2: Cut to a shot of Winnie appearing in the middle of a street somewhere. Jes is held in her arms, hopping off and on to her feet after being driven there by Ms. Letesha.
(Cont., Celia)
"Somewhere in Louisville, Kentucky."
Panel 3: Same setting/layout as the previous panel, taking place moments later. Jesminder takes a few steps forward in front of Winnie who looks on with a degree of curiosity.
(to Jesminder) Anything yet?
(shakes her head, focused; to Winnie) ...Just normal thoughts, the occasional ear worm.
(Bubble 2) Is it a good one?
(Bubble 2) Did the sea shanty hype a few years back ever reach South Africa?
(Bubble 3) Ahh. So, no then...
Panel 4: Close-up on the young South African a moment later in mid-stride a beat later, shifting to another subject that's been on her mind.
(Cont.) I've always wondered how your empath power works. Could you do it while flying, or...?
Panel 5: We shift to a similarly framed close-up on the young/old woman a moment later, looking up and out at the scenery in front of her as she answers.
You know, I'm not quite sure. The best way I can try to explain it's like having emotional radar.