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The Community, Issue 11: Part 3.2

Page 272 Panel 1: Cut to Amelia on the other side of the table, drinking a cocktail as she explains once again the meat of their idea.


(calmly, to Seanna) We want you to be the the one to deliver all we've learned about Walsh and Nuevo Roma to the world, using your brief foray of fame.

Panel 2: The young person scratches their head at the request as they reach for a fry on their plate. You can see the unease from the last panel of the previous page still evident here.


(to Amelia) I get the idea- somewhat. It's been awhile since any network's hounded me for an interview though. Why would that change now?

Panel 3: We shift things over to Celia a beat later, already a step ahead with the answer to their question.


(leading, to Seanna) Actually, Lynn and I have been talking about a possible way. If you're okay with it, of course.

Panel 4: Seanna takes in the idea with a great deal of intrigue at the suggestion as they chew on a couple of fries that they picked up off-panel from the previous panel.


(warming up, to Celia) Of course. I have nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. Part of me though is worried whether the country is open to a public polyamorous relationship. Also, if it'll overshadow the meaty Walsh stuff.

Panel 5: Back to Amelia who laughs at the worry; a big grin coming over her face as she reaches for the sandwich on her plate.


(looking on the bright side) On the first part: You're white passing, by Hollywood standards. There's anyone that can make it work, it's you. And secondly...

Panel 6: Cut to a shot of a reporter, AURORA, seated at her cubicle as this is going on. She's quickly typing a story into her laptop. You can see a photo of Leslie Knope and Alexis Rose proudly displayed on her desk, with Monica Rambeau in full Spectrum mode in the background.


(Cont., Amelia)

"I trust that brain of yours can find a way to make it work."

Page 273

Panel 1: Same setting/layout as the last panel of the previous page. A few moments later, her phone rings which interrupts her typing.

Panel 2: Slight close-up on the woman a couple of seconds later; her phone pressed against her right era.


(businesslike, into the phone) Eye on Hollywood, this is Aurora. The coma guy--coma person, right. Sorry...what's up? You decide to join a reality show or--

Panel 3: Back to a shot of Seanna standing in front of the cafe a short time after we left them the previous page. You can see the first formation of nerves on their face as they're speaking.


(interjecting, to Aurora) I wanted to let you in on an exclusive story about myself.

Panel 4: Her ears perk up a little bit at the statement, though not enough to exhibit a great deal of excitement behind it.


You already talked about the Asexual thing multiple times- not exactly new there.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 1) Good for you! What's the woman's name?


(Bubble 3; reacting to Panel 5, Bubble 2) Ohhh...

Panel 5: Same setting/layout as Panel 3. A second later, the young person swallows up a little more energy and gets on with it.


That's not the new news I'm talking about. I...I'm actually in a relationship.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 2) Lynn...and Celia.


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