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The Community, Issue 11: Part 4.2

Page 278 Panel 1: The comment draws a look of concern and worry from the young/old woman; her fist tightly gripping around the strap of her purse.


(with some urgency, to Winnie) Tell me everything you remember about the person. What exactly gave that vibe, outside of the face?

Panel 2: Cut to Winnie a few moments later, trying to piece together the answer as she speaks. You can see her gaze shift off-panel right at the same moment.


(explanatory, to Jesminder) I can't remember precisely. He looked like a stereotypical Southern guy, thick bushy beard, dressed in camo with some angry anti-health care slogan on it...I can zip back there now- get a better look.

Panel 3: Ms. Borah shakes her head, flashing a touch of thanks to the idea. You can see her hand loosen from the purse strap as she speaks.


I get the instinct, Winnie. But whoever you spotted is probably gone, even at your top speed.

Panel 4: Cut to George and his friend a little later in the truck, chatting with each other as they drive somewhere. You can see the fronts of some other cars in the background.


(Cont., Jesminder)

"All we can hope for is that the good we offered young George is strong enough to counteract whatever evil the mystery man may or may not bear."

Panel 5: Back to Jes a beat later in the same setting/layout as Panel 3. She stops at a crosswalk, glancing in front of her as she speaks, planning their next steps.


(Cont.) It worked pretty well for me when I was his age.

Panel 6: Winnie, having stopped a moment later, looks over at her friend with a degree of confusion and curiosity at the statement.


What do you mean?

Page 279

Panel 1: Back to Jes in the same setting/layout as Panel 5 of the previous page. As she and her friend wait for the green, you can see a glint of fond nostalgia in her eyes.


When I was a kid, I lost a...a dear family member- brain aneurysm. I was in a pretty dark place for months afterward.

Panel 2: Cut to a shot of Jesminder as a kid (in her past life) pointing the young girl in the direction of the non-fiction section.


(Cont., Jesminder)

"Then a librarian at school took a kindness on me, pointed me in the direction of Gloria Steinem and Eleanor Roosevelt and...the rest was history."

Panel 3: We move back to Winnie the second it goes green, moving a step in front of her friend after the story; her face alight with fascination.


(to Jesminder) This is, I think, the first time you've really opened up about your childhood since I've known you.

Panel 4: A two-part set of panels that moves back to the young/old woman as she follows alongside on the crosswalk a beat later. In the first part, she smirks with a bit of nonchalance as she speaks.


(explanatory, to Winnie) It wasn't intentional. Just an emotional tic with me I've had since I was a child. The constant threat of attack didn't help inspire me though...

Panel 5: In the second part, her train of thought is interrupted by the sound of vibration emanating from one of her purse's separate pockets. You can see her gaze shifting down in that direction.

Panel 6: A few moments later, we see her looking at the phone in her hand after the two of them have crossed to the other side of the street. Ms. Letesha glances over her left shoulder at the screen.


(curious) What's up?


It's Celia: The kid just set up the big interview.


(Bubble 2) What about Nuevo Roma?


(Bubble 2) Her and Amelia are on their way there now as we speak.


(Bubble 3) I wonder where it was. It was never really mentioned in the files. I've always suspected it was somewhere in Europe. Though I doubt even a douche like him would be that on the nose to place it in...


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