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The Community, Issue 12: Part 1.1

Page 285 Panel 1: We open back in the middle of Seanna's interview with Aurora; the latter partially visible in the lower left of the panel.


(thinking, to Aurora) How long I have been in love with Lynn? Hmmm...probably since we met at my old job at Kroger's.

Panel 2: Flashback to their first day on the job stocking groceries, and the first time that Lynn and them met. There's a mutual warmth between the two of them through the lack of words.


(Cont., Seanna)

"At the time though, I was far too intimidated by her coolness to think I had any chance romantically. Not to mention my Asexuality."



"You thought she'd reject you if you came out then?"



"More feared than thought. I mean, there isn't exactly a great Asexual love story out there in my life that's shown it could be done."

Panel 3: Back to Aurora in the present a second later, pointing out a question that pops into her head upon hearing the answer; an obvious one, if one thinks about it.


(to Seanna) So, what inspired you to take the dive?

Panel 4: We move back to Seanna, with a slightly tighter focus on their face than in Panel 1. You can see their eyes brighten a little bit as they speak.


It was when we reunited after I woke up from my coma.

Panel 5: Another flashback of Seanna and Lynn at the cafe from earlier in Issue 5; an image unseen though. You can see an extra special glimmer in their eyes through all of this.


(Cont. Seanna)

"The feelings were there, but there was some...other energy on top of it that made me think now could work.."

Panel 6: Back to a shot of the young person in the present; the setting and layout similar to Panel 4. They shrug at the end of the statement; a touch of unease in their eyes.


(Cont.) I didn't think to tell her till a month or so later.


(Off-Panel) What was her response?


(Bubble 2) Wasn't that surprised. She'd known for awhile. That was also the time she told me she was seeing Celia.

Page 286

Panel 1: The last part of their statement perks Aurora's ears up. She leans in ever so slightly, pouncing on it with her response.


(interjecting, to Seanna) Was there some bad blood between you and her girlfriend Celia when you guys first met?


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 2, Bubble 1) That's nice, though you can understand some people watching may not wholly believe that.

Panel 2: We move back to Watkins a few moments later, confidently shaking their head at the interviewer's statement; a sense of nonchalant defense in their words.


(to Aurora) Not at all. She was the beacon of awesomeness. I learned a lot about fighting and Brazilian hip-hop from her.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 1, Bubble 2) They're more than welcome to think that, just like I'm more than welcome to ignore the backwards thinking and utter stupidity that sabotages so many "normal" monogamous couples.

Panel 3: Meanwhile, as this goes on, we see Celia and Amelia a short time after we left them in the last issue in what looks like a street corner somewhere in Nuevo Roma in search of something.


(Cont., Seanna)

"I guarantee, if Celia and Lynn were sitting next to me, they'd say the same thing. With many, many more expletives added on..."

Panel 4: Slight close-up on the pair a few moments later; the former looking around off-panel right, and the latter looking around off-panel left. You can see a look of agitation on Amelia's face as Walsh's speech plays over the speakers.


(translated from Portuguese, to Amelia) Any sign of the city's power center, Lia?


(shakes her head, translated from Portuguese; to Celia) Nothing yet, Cee. Just Walsh's thoroughly annoying voice over the loudspeaker.


(Bubble 2) I hear ya! I think that's just how all these uber rich Silicon Valley douches sound like in real life: arrogant, grating, every word out of his mouth filled with hot air and vacuous bullshit...!

Panel 5: A two-part set of panels that shifts to a close-up on Celia, taking a few extra steps compared to the previous panel. She looks around at the buildings around her for a moment; a look of agreement and agitation on her face.


(Cont., thinking) If only there was a set of wheels nearby we could sneak around in without setting off the Sentry.

Panel 6: In the second part, the young woman turns her head off-panel left in response to her friend's exclamation.


(Off-Panel) Hello, lucky coincidence!


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