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The Community, Issue 12: Part 1.2

Page 287 Panel 1: Cut to a shot of Mr. Costa stepping out of a secure car a handful of blocks away from our two heroines. He's dressed in a nice looking navy blue bespoke suit, unaware of the intrusion.


(Cont., Off-Panel; translated from Portuguese) Of course Costa would be here. I know we're trying to be incognito, but maybe there's some time to...

Panel 2: We move to a shot of Amelia being held back a moment later by the outstretched arm of Celia as she moves closer to her friend.


(steering to business, to Amelia; translated from Portuguese) I get the instinct- believe me! Finding wheels is far more important right now.


Right, right.


(Bubble 2) A little later, if we see him again...that's a different story.

Panel 3: A two-part set of panels that focuses on the same setting and layout as the previous panel. In the first part, the two of them disappear in a purple puff of bamf smoke.

Panel 4: In the second part, they appear a second later inside one of the cars from the top of the panel; Amelia in the driver's side, Celia the passenger side.


(looking at the tech) Think I might be in love.


(looking outward) Good for youuu...

Panel 5: Action shot of the car tearing off down the road moments later. You can see a stream of white smoke from the tires as the rubber burns on the pavement.


(Cont.) OHHHH!!

Page 288

Panel 1: As Celia is driving, we see her young friend fiddling around with a touchscreen placed on the console of the automobile. You can see an intense look of nerdy joy in her eyes through all this.


(in awe, translated from Portuguese) Ahhh...I could get lost in this much shiny tech!


(steering back to business, to Amelia; translated from Portuguese) Any of it get us closer to finding this city's power station?!

Panel 2: A two-part set of panels that moves to a slight close-up on Amelia a few moments later, steering close to some type of solution to her work.


Possible. Just need a few seconds to...

Panel 3: In the second part, a split second later, there's an explosion that shakes the area slightly, enough for her to get discombobulated from her work.


(Cont.) Shit- think I jinxed us!

Panel 4: Celia looks up at the rearview mirror and sees a fleet of other cars on their tail, armed with a great deal of high powered weaponry.


(cocky) Time for me to do what I do best...other than freestyling.

Panel 5: We move to a side shot of the cars, showing a little snapshot of time; a few patches of smoke hovering above each car, with the only sign of what's happening inside the sight of goons getting whomped.

Panel 6: As quick as she disappeared, she popped back in the passenger's seat, glancing over at Amelia as she drifts back to her previous positioning.


(Cont., cocky grin; to Amelia) Damn, that felt good! Anything new with you?


We should be looking good right about...


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