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The Community, Issue 12: Part 2.2

Page 293 Panel 1: Back to Amelia in the same setting/layout as Panel 5. She's jolted by the sound of an explosion outside, breaking the windows.

Panel 2: Action shot of the young woman crawling on the floor in search of some type of defense. You can see the high level of tension all across her face as she speaks.


(Cont.) Just gotta get past the damn jack boots first. Easier said than...

Panel 3: In the middle of her search moments later, you can see the proverbial brain blast pop above her head at what she's seeing.


(excited) Quite literally, now I think about it.

Panel 4: Action shot of the Amelia a short time later, hurling a makeshift boomerang in the direction of the still invisible attacker.

Panel 5: We see the attacker repelled back by the force of the device as it explodes right in the middle of its armored chest plate.


(Off-Panel) Awesome! I wanna build a bunch of my own after all this.

Panel 6: Surprised by her handiwork as well as what sparked it, Amelia smiles for a brief moment as she looks at her handiwork.


(Cont., thought buzzes in late) I wonder if that's just my natural curiosity or if this a superpower, think about that later!

Page 294

Panel 1: Back stateside at Seanna's interview, the young person stands up and starts to make their way with phone in hand to the off-panel right direction.


(apologetic, to Aurora) Sorry, I thought I turned it off. I should take this.

Panel 2: Cut to Aurora at the chair across from them; a notebook filled with notes taken over the course of the interview. You can see the front of the camera in the background above her right shoulder.


(understanding, to Seanna) No worries. I only have a couple more questions, one centered around your third Lynn. I'd love to meet her.

Panel 3: A few moments later, we see Watkins outside the studio on the phone in response to the message from the previous panel.


(Cont., Aurora)

"Maybe schedule a follow-up with the three of you, if this one goes viral."


(concerned, to Lynn) Hey. What's wrong?


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 4, Bubble 1) The souped up Find My Phone- yeah, I remember...

Panel 4: We move to a shot of Lynn in her apartment back in Sacramento. She's standing in front of her couch, watching the press conference on TV.


(worried, to Seanna) You remember the app you installed on all our phones, in case of emergencies.


(Bubble 2; reacting to Panel 3, Bubbble 2) A few minutes ago, Cee's signal went dark. Given what Jes said about that Nuevo Romano, I'm worried something bad happened to her.

Panel 5: Back to Seanna in the studio; the setting and layout similar to Panel 4. They're still as concerned, but now shows a degree of reassurance in their eyes.


She's one of the strongest people I've ever met, Lynn. She's beaten death multiple times. If there's someone I trust to do it again, it's her!


(through the receiver) I know, I know. It's one of the many things I love about her. Still...part of me can't help but worry.

Panel 6: We move back to Lynn in the same setting and layout as Panel 4. She glances up toward the ceiling in thought.


(Cont., lovingly) ...I don't want to leave anything to chance. You and Cee: You're the most important people in my life. I--


(through the receiver) I get it. I feel the same way...

Panel 7: Back to Seanna a few moments later. They take a few steps to the left, inspired by an idea that pops into their head just then.


(Cont.) You remember that spinning disc from one of the experiments when I first woke up?


(confused, through the receiver) ...What about it?


(Bubble 2) There was a hatch on top of it that you could sneak stuff in from.


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