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The Community, Issue 12: Part 2.3

Page 295 Panel 1: We move back to Lynn a few moments later, recognizing what her friend was talking about. You can also see an idea start forming in her head.


(remembers, to Seanna) Oh, right right...! It's actually still in my closet. I use it to pick up supplements when I don't feel like walking.


(through the receiver, to Lynn) What about the Sonic Screwdriver I made? Is that still there too?


(Bubble 2) I believe so, yeah. I...

Panel 2: Slight close-up on her a beat later in mid-stride; a wide smile coming over her face.


Ohh, I get it! I'll get it out now.


(through the receiver)

Thanks. See you in a little bit...


(Bubble 2) How's the interview going?


(Bubble 2, through the receiver)

Pretty good, I think. I--I think you guys'll be pretty proud when it comes you!


(Bubble 2) Love you too!

Panel 3: Action shot back at the studio of Watkins placing the phone back in their pocket a few moments after hanging up.



"/Everything okay back home?"

Panel 4: Cut to Seanna sitting back down a moment later, nodding at the question. You can see them placing the phone back in their bag off-panel as they speak.


(confidently, to Aurora) Yep, yep. Just some pre-Spring Equinox stuff. She celebrates it every year.


(Off-Panel) Nice, nice!

Panel 5: We move to a shot of Aurora back in interviewer mode, glancing at her notebook to spot the question again while also still addressing Seanna.


(Cont.) Now, back to the interview. I know it's probably a little early in the relationship to talk about this. But given all the kind words you've had for Lynn and Celia, I thought it'd be wrong not to at least gauge the topic of marriage.

Panel 6: Back to a shot of Watkins pondering the question earnestly as if they hadn't really thought about it till then (because they hadn't).


(Cont., Off-Panel) Whether it's something the three of you have talked about, or something you could see happen.


(honestly) We've only been a throuple for a handful of months now. I mean, we-we've been so busy with our lives, the distant future feels tough to plan out now. Right now, I'm just happy and happily in love, things that for me have been...hard to pull off before I met them.


(Bubble 2) What about in the future?

Page 296

Panel 1: Action shot of Winnie and Jesminder buzzing across the countryside in the direction of Nuevo Romano. The setting around the two of them a blur of different colors.


(Cont., Seanna)

"It'd be wrong of me to speak for them. But personally? I could see it- clear as day!"


(curious, to Jesminder) I see something big and gray coming up- might be Nuevo Romano. Your psychic empathy picking up anything?


(piecing stuff together, to Winnie) Nothing from the workers. But I am getting something from the reporters at the press conference.


(Bubble 2) That's something. What are they thinking?

Panel 2: We move to an interior shot of some of the people the young old woman is talking about, enraptured by the press conference on TV. At this point, it's showing an exterior shot of the futuristic looking town.



"They're definitely swooning over all of Walsh's Utopia talk. Hard to blame them, given what the pandemic unleashed on the world. If only they saw what'd be sacrificed for that..."

Panel 3: Cut to a slight close-up on Ms. Borah a few moments later, taken aback by a sudden development. You can see the background behind her become a little more decipherable as she slows her speed down.


What in the name of...?


(Off-Panel) What?


(Bubble 2) I may have misheard. But I could swear he just said--

Panel 4: At that moment, we see Walsh at the presser, narrating as Nuevo Romano lifts up from the ground thanks to a series of hover engines emerging on each corner of the town.


(to the astonished crowd) The city is able to levitate 50,000 feet in the air for over a year without needing a recharge, courtesy of bleeding edge WalshTech technology. Which, to answer your previous question, is already getting bids from the United States as well as Australia and several EU countries.

Panel 5: Slight close-up on the young billionaire a moment later; the smile getting a little bit wider in excitement for the next part.


(Cont.) And that's not even the best part. The hydrogen energy that helps power, along with the vast equally bleeding edge solar panel array throughout Nuevo Romano...

Panel 6: We move to a strict shot of an energy barrier emerging moments later, engulfing the futuristic town in a light blue bubble.


(Cont., Walsh)

"...can be repurposed- when needed- into a high intensity defensive grid capable of protection against a 20 megaton nuclear weapon."


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