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The Community, Issue 12: Part 3.3

Page 301 Panel 1: A two-part set of panels that starts out with Lynn trying to navigate the aircraft away from the attacks, which pop up in sporadic "BOOM"s.


(trying to calm herself down) Just relax...! It's no different than that old 1942 arcade game at the bowling alley. Keep moving, keep firing...

Panel 2: In the second part, we see her a few moments later taking a stride to the left of the panel view; her anxiety increased compared to Panel 1.


(Cont., furrowed brow; annoyed) Even if it's a big ball of nothing...come on! No damn way you're taking me out in the first level.

Panel 3: Action shot of her a short time later, taken aback by an even louder explosion that tears in from somewhere off-screen.


(exclaiming) FUCK A DUCK!

Panel 4: Cut to a shot of the remote control screen a short time later, craning slightly in both directions in a cautious fashion befitting the person at the wheel.


(Cont., Off-Panel) Okay. We're still good...awesome. The fact it's quiet is also a good sign- I think. Could also be that they're about to pop up and--

Panel 5: As the thought leaves her mouth, a white energy blast suddenly appears from one of the abandoned buildings nearby. You can see the camera quickly crane to the right in order to avoid the blast.

Panel 6: A short time later, we see the camera zoom in on a window in the building from the previous panel.


(relieved, Off-Panel) ...Amelia! She must have gotten there before I did.

Page 302

Panel 1: Back to a close-up on Lynn's face a few moments later, sparked by an idea that pops in her head.


(half-grin) If I can plug in one of the mics in the studio, I could be able to get in touch with her and Jes before they--

Panel 2: Same setting/layout as the previous panel. The grin and calm demeanor the young woman exhibited then is dropped by the sound of blasts from the screen; her body already turning to the left in the direction of the studio.


(Cont., suddenly tense) --try to blow me out of the sky!

Panel 3: A two-part set of panels that consist of action shots of Lynn running through the apartment to her studio while also flying the saucer drone out of danger. You can hear sounds of explosions from the remote screen.


Just need a few more minutes...come on!

Panel 4: In the second part, there's a louder explosion along with a bit of a crackle. She stops moving at the same time, frustrated by the discovery.


(Off-Screen) Signal Lost


(shaking her head) Shit...!

Panel 5: Back in Nuevo Romano a short time later, we see Amelia stepping out of the building, observing the wreckage of the drone; the top hatch still in pretty good shape.


(Cont., Lynn)

"Hopefully, they can get to Celia in time."

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